5.8? Really?

This movie deserves at least a 6 or even a 7. I rated it an 8. I thought it was an extremely brilliant movie and it was extremely well thought out. I watched it with my mom when it released on DVD, we rented it from our local movie rental place (ah those were the days, I miss movie rental places). I liked it so much that I had to own it. I bought I pre-owned copy of it at EBX (now GameStop, yes they didn't just sell used video games, they sold used DVDs as well). I'm thinking about watching it again.

Cynicalik means Cynical Intelligent Kid.



The movie is damn funny. Good cheese with great characters and cool action scenes.
I liked the chemistry between Costner and Rusell. The Elvis thing, and all those little wtf moments were hilarious in the good way. Rated it 7!



Yeah the Elvis theme and innuendos are great and makes it a unique experience. It's 7/10 film imo.


I liked it too. One of those few movies that doesn't lose much on repeated viewings. Surprising to me it didn't do well at the box office, but just because I like a movie doesn't mean the movie going public will. My all-time favorite movie - True Romance - bombed at the box office.

“There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior


Uhh, thankuverymuch!


Wow, me and the OP are almost the same damn person, me and my mom rented it when it first came out and I've loved this ever since. The hotel heist is one of the greatest action sequences ever. Its a fun ride, and has courtney cox at her finest.


This is probably one of the most underrated movies of all time. It's a solid 7. At least.


It's easy to see why this movie got bad reviews. I love it and it's very entertaining if all you care about is seeing a fun B movie with charismatic leads, but it's a bit much

Excessive stylistic flourishes, a lot of corny nu metal music in the soundtrack, fart jokes, horrible editing that often makes the shootouts incoherent, and the cinematography has a cheap look like from a TV show

I felt like they were going for a campy over-the-top tone like they wanted to make the next Face/Off, but that excess worked against it with the critics

I still always have fun re-watching it. Kurt Russell and Courtney Cox are stellar and Kevin Costner is an amazing villain


I think if it it was a more fun heist film than ultra-violent early 2000's crime movie, it might have been rated better. I have watched it many times and think it's very good, but that Guy-Ritchie-type violence didn't work for everyone.
