MovieChat Forums > The Others (2001) Discussion > Don't even need the middle of the movie,...

Don't even need the middle of the movie, all you need is the introduction and the end!

First all you have to do is introduce the characters; the parents, the kids, the servants. Then the end; reveal that they've been dead the whole time! Case closed; stop bogging down the movie with irrelevant details and other characters just provide a few clues here and there that things aren't always what they seem to be.


Most of the movie was fine with the extra details, but I get bored when the father turns up and then goes away again. But the rest of it is fine to me, it helps establish the atmosphere.


What a boring take you have on this movie. Plot to plot resolution is all you got out of this?


True. Also, the twist was obvious when the husband showed up. At least The Sixth Sense had an interesting story beside the twist.


Says the deranged troll who has 6 similar posts on first page. Reported for posting SPOILERS!
