MovieChat Forums > Girlfight (2000) Discussion > Million dollar baby, rip off?

Million dollar baby, rip off?

Hey million dollar baby's only just coming out over here in the UK. i was wondering if any of you 'girlfight' fans had seen it and had any opinion on wether its a hollywood rip off or worth seeing. I loved girlfight so i'm sceptical about this 'million dollar baby'


Girlight is waayyy better then MDB.



I was very skeptical about watching Million Dollar Baby because I thought, this is going to be a rip off...but after all the Oscar buzz and my liking of boxing I figured let me give it a shot.

I do not think that Million Dollar Baby is a rip off of Girl Fight. I think what you need to keep in mind is that any movie about a female boxer is going to have a somewhat similar plot of...Girls can't box and such girl over comes obstacle. So in that sense yes M$B is a rip off however the ending in these movies is so completely different and the story lines are really different. Keep an open mind and understand any movie that ever comes out about female boxing is going to have that plot its inevitable. Doesn't make the stories the same.


I don't think Million Dollar Baby is a ripoff, it is just a bad movie. Totally hollywood, predictable, boring blah blah blah.

Girlfight is outstanding, the script is great and michelle rodriguez is fabulous in it.

It is really awful that a much better film like girlfight does not get the recognition it deserves why million dollar baby won best picture.

Girlfight = EXCELLENT FILM!@


"Girlfight is way better than Million Dollar Baby. It came out first. Clint Eastwood had to have seen it. In my opinion, he copied the idea."

Do you know what a screenplay is? Clint Eastwood is the director of MDB, not the writer.



It seems that if anything (and in the extreme) MDB may have ripped off GF in production, and GF may have ripped off MDB in storyline. Either way, both are good stories, and productions, so either enjoy them both, or give up trying to figure out who's ripping who.


Million Dollar Baby fed off of its All star cast and their good reps while Girl Fight was new, independent and original. It didnt need the huge budget and all star cast to be succesfull. No Doubt Million Dollar Baby was good, but Girl Fight attracted huge success and made a Star, without everything that Million Dollar Baby had.


If you think $30 million dollars is a huge budget, you definitely need to check out some other Hollywood films. Million Dollar Baby did not have a huge budget and did not rely solely on its great cast, there is a reason Clint Eastwood won the Oscar for Best Director, he did an amazing job with the film. Also, you mentioned Girlfight was responsible for creating a star in Michelle Rodriguez, are you kidding? She is too busy getting hammered and then going out driving to worry about acting.


i would say this is a good movie...not better then million dollar baby though... million dollar baby has more emotion to it. but i would say girl fight shows the real side of growing up to be a boxer..


Uh, Girlfight came out 5 years earlier. I don't think so.




I had no interest watching this movie, but its trailer has already made MDB look like a piece of shyt.


you have probably gotten a response a long time ago about this but as far as ripoff..girlfight came out 4 years before Million Dollar Baby did and girlfight was an indy flick.


People don't get the fact that just because two boxing movies have a female boxer as the lead doesn't mean they're the same. This is like comparing Jake LaMotta to Rocky Balboa. They are both great movies, MDB wasn't too Hollywood, if anything, it didn't have a Hollywood ending, Hollywood endings are those movies with the happy ending. Movies like MDB, Angel Heart, Fallen, Seven, Usual Suspects, Terms of Endearment do not have happy endings. Girlfight didn't exactly have a happy ending either, they broke up at the end of the movie, her & her dad probably wouldn't speak to each other again, what else did she have? Girlfight relied on Michelle Rodriguez being a badass character, kickin' ass and earning respect. MDB had Hilary Swank being trained by a man who doesn't "train girls", Swank's character wasn't a hothead like Michelle's was. These movies aren't ripping off anything, Swank's didn't have a boyfriend in MDB, the only similiarity is that a woman wanting to be a boxer, that's it. Comparing these two movies is like comparing Dante's Peak & Volcano, or Deep Impact & Armageddon, while they have the same plot in a way, there are huge differences.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


dont ask if its a rip off just because its a movie about female boxing.

clint eastwood directed mdb. THINK MAN THINK. and mdb outclasses girlfight. and hillary swank was the first karate kid girl remember? please the fights were choreographed better in mdb... however you could argue that girlfight could be more realistic cuz its not meant to be perfect
