I luv this movie!!

Ok, I am 13, which is a bit old for cartoons, but I reeeeeally liek smart house. Its so funky n kute!!

PerFeCt LiL AnGel


spell check!!

reeeeeally: really
leik: like
n: and or &
kute: cute


Man. I need a signature.


no. 1: you have no right to say that.

and no. 2 : i am set one in english, and got added to the top 50 gifted and talented children in newcastle , so shut your face and get a life.

and no. 3: 'kute' is a funky way of writing cute.

and no. 4: ''reeeeeaaallly'' means i am getting over-excited

and no. 5: i DO go to school.

and no. 6: i feel sorry u dont have anything better to do in your sad pathetic life. so go find yourself a job. i heard burger king are hiring....


1) he has the right to say that.

2) yeah right

3) dont ever type "kute" for cute

4) you can type "really" twice instead of *beep* up the word

5) you dont show it.

6) im sure he has better things to do, and was just overly tempted to respond to your idiotic post.


:D on the dot


The grammatically correct sentence is
"I heard Burger King is hiring..."


How many people go to your school? 50!


I like this movie. I saw it when I was around 6 or 7 so I didn't have very high movie standards. I still like it because it brings back good memories.


umm smart house isn't a cartoon..


I agree with StartStatic. Well said. This movie blows.




Smart House isn't a cartoon. duh



Not all of us, I somewhat liked this movie, but I end up liking everything.


I'm 13 and i spell extremely well!


I am 13 too. LoL this board is so funny in the beginning. No fence to anyone.


wait since this was in 2004 that makes you 15 now. wow.


My, people are so angry....


Aside from all this grammar-war nonsense, this movie definitely bring back memories. The living room scene in the beginning where they see the walls change scenery reminded me of The Veldt from The Illustrated Man (which I started reading today)...practically the general idea of the movie...just not as creepy as the Veldt. Anyways, those were the good old days of DCOMs.

"Whatever toasts your bagel."
~Penny (The American Mall)




I'm almost 20 and I liked it.


I'm 26 and when Disney Channel did their 100 original movie marathon, I was hooked. Of course, since I never got to see all of them, I just watched the ones that I thought would seem interesting. Now days, it is more about how I can figure the way they made the movies and if I can spot any mess ups.

When you're behind the camera a lot, as a production crew member, and an extra; you tend to see what makes the magic. If you never want to see a movie like you use to, do not ever work in the movie industry.
