Jill Nude Scene

I thought it was kinda unnecessary to have so many shots of Amanda Peet naked. What about you guys?


I think the source of your problem is your previous statement, "Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my daily life...". That's the problem right there. You are a prude and in conflict with trying to enjoy yourself.




No problem here. But I will say there was one shot that holds uncomfortably long when watching with your wife.


I thought it was kinda unnecessary to have so many shots of Amanda Peet naked.

If you've ever wondered what makes you unique among all the other people on this planet... well, now you know.


Yup. Totally agree. It's like they were really proud of themselves and just kept rolling for about 2-3x longer than it should've been.
She's a total fox btw, don't get me wrong.


Without that nude scene, this is almost a PG movie.


I thought it was very necessary! And besides, there is nothing finer than a naked woman holding a gun!


My iMDB profile http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4297325/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


Well said.


I haven't seen this in a long time, but from what I remember it only shows her boobs for like 10 seconds. You don't even see her bush or butt.

"I'll be back!" The Terminator


Sexual arousal is healthy. Having attractive women naked in movies is never unnecessary.
