MovieChat Forums > Spaced (1999) Discussion > Best Line In Spaced?

Best Line In Spaced?

It's hard to pick one, but for my money it's the exchange in season 1 between Tim and Bryan...

Tim: "What's the deal with you and Marsha?"
Bryan: "You Know about the deal?!"


"I've had some things to work out." ~Tim
"With Sarah?" ~Daisy
"No with George Lucas." ~Tim
(Cut to a box being lit on fire that says 'Star Wars Stuff'.)
"Right, well, I didn't think Phantom Menace was that bad." ~Daisy

~The opposite of war isn't peace! It's creation!~


Brian: "They got here just before you did."
Tim: "You Lando!"



series 2, the chav episode, not sure of the exact wording but something along the lines of "your bags are fun and so is the rest of you"


My favorite scene has to be on the season finale for season one. After Time calls Daisy to the pub and says he turned hi ex down to move back in. The whole talk about walking in on yourself masturbating is hilarious. Dont really remember the whole thing.


Bilbo Bagshot: I punched a bloke in the face once for saying "Hawk the Slayer" was rubbish.
Tim Bisley: Good for you.
Bilbo Bagshot: Yeah, thanks. But that's not the point, Tim. The point is I was defending the fantasy genre with terminal intensity, when what I *should* have said is "Dad, you're right, but let's give Krull a try and we'll discuss it later."

He must be under the effect of Lorne— and Eve, too, presum— presumally.


"The first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you do not talk about Robot Fight Club. The second rule of Robot Fight Club is, you do not talk...oh, wait, I've got that wrong. The second rule of Robot Fight Club is no smoking."

Daisy: "So, what do we do now?"

Tim: "Let's de-scale the teapot."

Daisy: "You filthy bitch."

Tim" "You love it."


Marsha: "I'm just off down to Threshers to do the weekly shop."

And I can't remember it exactly but it went something like this

Tim: "Tranny"
Brian: "No, more, much more than that."
Tim: "Big fat tranny?"


TIM: (R.E Phantom Menace) You so do not understand! You weren't there in the beginning. You don't know how good it was! This is it for you, this trumped up, firework display of a toy advert!

"You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style..."-
Humbert Humbert-


Tim: I just had a moment of clarity, you know, I woke up. It's like... you know when you have an orgasm on your own? [Daisy looks increasingly disgusted and uncertain during the following:] You know, you're sort of lying on the sofa watching some porn movie you bought on a drunken lonely night in Soho, and you're lying there and everything's going really great, you're getting totally turned on by these absurdly graphic images, everything seems so right, and suddenly - phht! Bingo! You wake up. And you're lying there sweating, desperately looking for the tissue which you know is still in your pocket, and the remote control which is somewhere on the floor, and it's like walking in on yourself, you know? It's just like "What you doing?" That's how I felt tonight feeling my heart miss a beat everytime the door opened. "What the *beep* are you doing?"
Daisy: Well, that's... love, isn't it? Load of old wank.

Love this show, you can relate to it so much which I guess, is why it's funny :)


Tim: Oh my God..... I've got some *beep* Jaffa Cakes in my coat pockets
All: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't rememba all of it completely but its something like this

Tyres: So you comming out then?
Tim: haven't got any money
Tyres: Ill lend you some
Tim: I owe you 20 quid
Tyres: do you?
Tim: no.....look there's madonna
Tyres and Daisy: where?

That scene cracked me up.

Almost any scene with Brian or Marsha was hilarious as well.

"You haven't got the feel of this at all, lad. Use all your voices. When I bellow, bellow back."


I don't get this quote:
"Tim: I have some *beep* Jaffa Cakes in my coat pocket."
Why's it funny? I live in Australia and didn't know what Jaffa Cakes were until I looked them up on Wikipedia. Also, I can't remember the context and I imagine that would help...


Tim, Brian and Daisy were having a fairly deep and complex discussion about the chaos theory, that everything in the past, present and future can be attributed to an extremely complicated equation of sorts. Brian gives a pretty deep speech about it, Tim responds all emotionally choked, only to mention that he has Jaffa cakes in his coat pocket.

It's funny because Tim acts as if he's going to give some incredibly insightful contribution to the discussion, when he goes completely off tangent.


lol thanks for the explanation. I'll have to watch Spaced again.


just sat through both seasons again today and the 1 line made me laugh the most.

dont even think about leaving the country..

i wont... i cant afford it



Hello.. brian?, no no hes the weirdo downstairs, oh right sorry brian, yer yer yer, come on up.


^ The line above is one of my favourites.
Reading through all the others though i've seen my favourites already posted (burn the jacket, some of the *beep* with you, bako tribute), well all but one. Tyres in the nightclub scene when he says:
'My work here is done'.

It's such a small line, but he was the sole reason why everyone had improved their lives that day and reconicled with each other, and in that one line he makes it all sound intentional.

The answer to your first question is SHADDUP!


most of the funniest lines have been mentionned, but i think one of the most brilliant bits is the big "come back daisy" speech at the end of ther series:

Tim : Awright?
Daisy : Awright...

another awesome delivery is when Tim runs into the bloke about to steal Colin.

"What makes you think I'm evil and suspicious looking?
Tim: Aaaaalright, I was just trying to be friendly..."

I think that "allright" and the "jaffa cakes in my pocket" are some of the most brilliant readings i've ever seen...


Its a pity they did not have a 3rd season. I just finished watching both seasons recently and Im craving more. I watch alot of American TV because I live in Canada, but British Comedy is so much better. I love how the viewer actually has to think of the jokes.


^-- Tyres in the nightclub scene when he says: 'My work here is done'.

I love that line too actually. I really like Tyres in that episode. The scene where he gets to Tim and Daisy's to pick them up and then he immedieatly turns to Brian (ignoring everyone else) and says "what about you". It's like he can sense that Brian isn't going clubbing and he needs to change that.

Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist.



Daisy (in her head, after wishing she and Time were telepathic) - Whew! That was close.
Tim - (out loud) You're tellin' me...


Vulva: "Brian! You came!"
Brian: "No, I spilled my drink"

Brian: "I'm trying to avoid clichés by not actually placing my paintbrush on the canvas."
Tim: "Right, right"
Brian: "I'm using my penis"
Tim: "Finally!"


Brian: "They" [women] "are the true creators. Aren't they? Cos all men do is just destroy things."

Mike looks wistfully into the middle distance: "Yeah."

I just love Mike.

I was born on the wrong side of everything


I particularly love:

Daisy: What do you mean he's [Colin] been abducted?!
Tim: Yeah, by a crocadile or something.
Daisy: A crocadile?!
Tim: ...Or something.

and I love in the episode with the lame housewarming party, when Twist, Brian, Mike and Tim get Daisy to "join them" and go upstairs to Amber's party. The way Daisy just mumbles and shrugs "alright" is hilarious after the suspenseful build up.


It'll always be the Jaffa cake line for me.

Big Al says dogs can't look up!


Aw yeah! Ah hadn't thought ah dat!

I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.


Tim: "Me and Mike met up with these two Scottish guys in the pub and they gave us all this cheap speed."
Daisy: "Oh Tim, that's so tacky."
Tim: "Yeah I know, but y'know they were so nice. I think if we'd said no they'd have got offended and beaten us to death with a pool cue."

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli".
