Mike or Josh

who's the cuter guy in the movie? personally, i think Josh is. the long hair and the scruffy look is more my type


I was partial to Mike. He seemed like a cuddly lumberjack.


I was partial to Mike. He seemed like a cuddly lumberjack.

Ha, perfect way to describe him.


Mike. He has beautiful eyes.


Eye color or eye shape? Because eye color alone doesn't make someone good looking.

In any case, they both looked fine to me.



Eye shape, I can't really tell what colour they are. I'm guessing hazel or something


I always thought Josh was cuter. He had the Kurt Cobain look.


Josh! I just watched it tonight as was thinking Josh was really cute!


Mary Brown was hot


You're silly!! 😊😁


Heather had a dirty behind!


I like a guy with meat on his bones. Josh isn't bad but too skinny. Mike has a cute face and nice eyes.

"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel


I don't see either of them as attractive for some reason. Neither does anything for me.

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


Alice is real easy to satisfy!
Instead of picking a young David Beckham, Brad Pitt or George Clooney she would lay down to these unfriendly grunge punk losers! Both had a unpleasant rapist feel from the start. I was never afraid of a witch. Just the real live terror of 2 steerage men and far off from civilization! I never thought about getting so deep in the woods that you don't find the way out anymore for 3 days. So I'm extra precautionary since this movie. Same with Diving after 'Open Water'. I was just 19 and starting to explore the world! The movies themselves are actually rather boring but that subtle real live horror that could happen to you as well instead of 'IT', 'RING' or 'Freddy Krueger' is a lesson and spooking you enough!

When I saw the thread I thought it was about who was standing in the corner? Mike or Josh!
Never ever expected this. Alice is the destructive cheap part of the female representation! Status Quo: 7 billion overpopulation! Root of all current major problems on Earth!


