MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > Who is rating this so low?

Who is rating this so low?

I don't know *beep* about scientology or the book this is based on but as a fan of sci-fi movies I thought this was a pretty cool concept for a movie. It definitely could have been done better and had less plot holes to be more believable but a 2.4 rating? I have seen complete *beep* movies way worse then this that are rated 3 - 4 on here lol. There are a lot worse sci-fi movies I have seen that have higher ratings too (almost everything on netflix under sci-fi for example). I guess since Travolta was in it and it had a decent sized ad campaign a bunch of people that hate sci-fi to begin with are rating it. If you like sci-fi or post-apocalyptic type stuff and can ignore a few stupid oversights (not nearly as bad as an average sci-fi channel movie) I think you will enjoy this.


It is a bad movie, but I found it entertaining and actually laughed out loud a few times ( John Travolta mistakenly thinks that raw rat is the man-animal's favorite food). I mean, it's just stupid, campy fun. I gave it a 7. But I can understand why sci-fi purists hate it.


This movie has always been a guilty pleasure for me. Yes it's bad, but it's so hilariously, entertainingly bad. I've seen it numerous times and it still makes laugh whenever I put it in. I rated it a 3/10 which I think is pretty fair. However, judged purely from a comedic standpoint it would probably rate closer to an 8/10. Just my opinion of course.



That may be true for some voters, but I think the fact that the movie is awful in every way imaginable is responsible for the vast majority of low voting scores.


It's not that bad, it's just the popular opinion and people are sheep. I liked it, not an excelent movie, but at least it has a pretty unusual story that's not been told a hundred times before.


Ah yes, I am a sheep because it's a just god awful movie. I just watched it again after finally getting around to finishing the novel...there is just nothing redeeming about it. There are bad film adaptations to books and then there's this. If Travolta wasn't so far up scientologies black hole, he wouldn't have ever thought to be in this.


Because it sucks.

What's best in life ?


Compare this to other 2000-ish films like Matrix, LOTR, even the earlier Starship Troopers, and you will realize how much of an absolute turkey it is. Pitch Black, Xmen and more.

In addition, the setting is so weird, that you cant just try to relate to the *beep* film as just a genre film either, like the sixth day being some kind of action film set in the not too distant future.

There is just no way this turkey can fly.


Answer:- Because, In case you hadn't noticed (what am I saying - you clearly haven't) Battlefield Earth Is utter garbage on all levels. It's absolutely embarrassing to watch. Your diagnosis?....Brain transplant required.


Many of the points raised have value. I saw a movie with a talking donkey, dog , car plane, train.

If this was indeed a sponsored by a religious faith movie then for that reason let all hate loose. It might have been better to have filmed the story of Scientology something like 'the greatest story ever told' so that more of us could give offerings to enrich those who have advanced. If John, Tom, Kirstie and co paid for this themselves no doubt the TAX man [may a fellow convert] reimbursed them. The whole faith nonsense of course is not believed by any of them as it is in total a whole tax avoidance scam. That makes sense of the aggressive behaviour of those policing it. Money must be protected at ALL COSTS. The reason that such nonsense exists to steal money is because of the legal systems. Just look how the fact that the USA considers itself a CHRISTIAN God fearing country allows Scientology to flourish. Jim Jones, Waco, the list is endless and when I read that a whole Street or area paid no taxes due to the fact that each home was its own made up religious grouping. Yeah The MEEK shall inherit the earth has come true.

I remember the move from some time ago and did not think it unduly terrible but I got it today for a small payment so can watch in on fairly large screen. Maybe pennies wasted but at least my pennies are not going towards the second fort Knox for scientology [ I refuse to give it a capital letter] adherents.

Charitable status is allowing many made up organisations able to line their ever deepening pockets at the expense of the truly needy.


The rating is too high, much too high for a Scientology goofball movie.
