cartoonish and...



It's not The Right Stuff but the sci fi angle of it is fair. Between O'Connell being a suck and that terrible computer voice there was a lot of room for improvement but it wasn't a total train wreck.


I just got done with it.

It's not a classic or A-level sci-fi, but I'd say it's a solid B-level space movie. I thought it was overall well-made and interesting, and I didn't feel like my time was wasted. At the very least it is better than its 25% RT rating would have you believe.

If someone is just in the mood to watch a space film and has seen most of the other stuff, they could certainly do worse than Mission to Mars. Why the critics were so hard on it, I'm not sure, but even the audience score is only a 30% so it seems like it's disliked by most who have seen it.


The script is horrible. The dialog is cringe. The relationships - unrealistic. The production looks a bit better as the movie goes on but the set can't hide those words.
