Della Pesca

These are kinds of scum people I just want to torture his family so badly and show it to him.
That's justice. Those 2 killers are lucky they escaped. But Della Pesca was so close. Everytime he was on screen I wanted to tear his skin out and show it to him. Turn his mind upside down so, that with every step he tries to make his hart stops. And gives him pain that will endure the rest of his miserable life.

If I ever see someone like that, I will truly, truly not kill him. I will personally bestow hell upon them.


Really shows how great of an actor Dan Hedaya is. The character of Della Pesca never existed in reality. He's a Hollywood fabrication. Dan really brought the evil to life though.


Della Pesca was actually based on the real investigator in the case, Vincent Desimone who actually had never met Rubin Carter before the murders and despite Carter having heard of him, they never formally met until that night in 1966 although much like the movie, they were weary and impatient with each other. Two years after Carter's conviction, investigators uncovered evidence that Desimone may have coerced Alfred Bello (the star witness of the case) into testifying against Carter (much like the film depicts) which caused Desimone to resign thinking that a murder investigation was not being handled the right way. Three years after Carter was reconvicted, Desimone died so he could not have threatened Carter's defence team or be present at the federal court hearing that freed Carter
