nice movie but....

this is a cute nice comedy that does a job but people keep saying this is a classic. TOTALLY don't see that. Just watched it for the 3rd time cos i thought i was missing something. I chuckled a few times but it's not in the same league as some other comedy classics i can think of


Not everything is for everybody. We are all different in our tastes, opinions, and senses of humor.


Agreed...I don't understand why Blazing Saddles is a classic, but I can see why other people do.

If you think a movie is funny or decent, but not a classic, that's one thing. It's the movies that I think are terribly unfunny that really get me.

For example, I didn't just think Bridesmaids was unfunny, I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Yet, for some reason, it seems destined to become a classic.

That kind of example is what really confuses me. However...people like what they like...and some like what they're told to like (which--IMO--is what happened with Bridesmaids).

I think Office Space is hands down a comedy classic. Once it comes on, I can't change the channel. I thought it was just OK the first time I saw it, but after the second viewing, I was cracking up.

I'm watching it right now and cracking up!!


Office Space is a classic, iconic movie. I too cannot resist watching at least some of it, every time I see it on.

I also liked Bridesmaids....and strangely, nobody told me I should like it.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I kinda think you're being a bit unfair about Bridesmaids. I LOVE that movie. I'm a girl and I work in a video store so I've seen all sorts of classics and critically acclaimed movies and I STILL love Bridesmaids and no body told me to. I just love the fact it's a movie about a bunch of hilarious ladies and I find the comic timing of all the actresses SPOT. ON.

Now I am NOT accusing you of anything here as you are just a random IMDB user and I don't know you but everyone is constantly told that women just aren't as funny as men and I think some men just DON'T find women funny for whatever reason so technically they are the ones being told what to feel about something...

Anyway sorry rant over. I love Office Space even though I have only ever worked retail which should have more movies like this as it's just as filled with funny characters and monotnous...


Why are you turning this into issue of the sex of the cast? Either it's good based on it's own merits or it isn't. It doesn't become good because you think it's nice to see women in a movie, just like it doesn't become bad for the same reason.

BTW, what video stores still exist?


Now see, I howled all through Bridesmaids. I went into it with no prior expectations and laughed from the beginning, to the point where my stomach hurt. I did think it was too long, and could have been edited better. Don't know if it will hold up to the test of time. Office Space... definitely a classic and can't wait to show it to my kid. He just turned 13... too soon?


I don't like Animal House. Doesn't mean I don't see why a lot of people would call it a classic.

Can't stop the signal.


Maybe somewhere down the line it'll click. Perhaps you need to experience that type of workplace to fully appreciate the humor. The first time I watched Dazed and Confused I had no idea why so many people loved it but then when I went to college I started to appreciate how great it actually is


Exactly! This movie debuted around the beginning of our Y2K layoffs. If you work in IT and have gone through this you'll "get it." The technology is probably too antiquated for many young people to understand, but may of us dinosaurs love this movie!

After a bunch of us long-timers got laid off in 2002 we sat around drinking and watching Office Space. We were able to put names of people we knew on everyone in the movie. Now I'm contracting at a large corporation that is about to be bought by another, and I can't believe I'm the only one in the office who has seen this movie.


I think it has a lot to do with expectations. You'd probably already heard Office Space was a classic before you watched it and had high expectations, which were hard to meet.

When I first watched Office Space, I wasn't expecting much, but ended up loving it. It's a classic to me, but again, I watched it with low expectations.

Same thing with Blazing Saddles. It's not a classic to me, but I can see how it would be to someone watching it for the first time in 1974 (I didn't see it until decades later). My "Blazing Saddles" experience was first seeing the movie Airplane in the movie theater at 13 in 1980. Another classic to me.

Same thing with Animal House. It's a classic to me, but I watched it for the first time in the early 80s. I totally get why a lot of people are disappointed in it when they watch for the first time today.


Blazing Saddles is a classic because NOBODY had ever done anything like this before. It was a great satire, and the racial jokes were so politically incorrect they were hysterical. Today, I think the movie drags, but at the time, it was a groundbreaker. Movies Like Airplane and Animal House follow in the irreverent tradition started by Mel Brooks. Truly a genius, but for my money, Brooks' Young Frankenstein may be the best comedy in history.


When you've worked at as many places I have, you'd see just how realistic this movie is when it comes to characters. Because of this, it's cited as a classic because millions can relate. I think it's the perfect movie to make you feel better when you are down and out and hate your own job. That tone of "Yeah, I'm doing the drywall there."as if he's bragging, alone is worthy of a classic.


Agreed. Could have been so much better.


I suppose it's just a movie typically frustrated men would watch 100 times. Most chicks won't dig that!!


If you've ever worked in an office you've seen all of these characters, this movie is brilliant.


Big fan of Office Space. Trying to spread the word about a work-related comedy I wrote and produced, Craig Quits His Day Job:
