Favorite MST3K quote

(As the main character and that woman are running from the "L. L. Bean Gang" a man stops them)

Shh! Big boys don't cry.

I'm on the floor everytime I see that.


"you could send an egg into the future".
"you could send bob sagget to meet chrlemagne".
i was laughing about that for days.


This is one of my fav episodes by far.

Theres really too much material, but i particularly enjoyed the jokes about Lisa's K-car. These cheap and crappy cars were an eighties staple in government entities.

"Ah, the throaty rumble of a K-car"

"Oh, she's got a K-car, let her through"

And theres a few others I can't quite recall.

The riffs on the music during the movie are histarical as well, when they start singing "walking on broken glass" and "lost in love" i damn near died laughing.

Hilarious episode indeed.



"Executive parents...I mean producers..."

"So in the future, kids become gay agents?"


Does some one know if that is really Lisa Kudrow in that shot ?... It's not posted under her bio here (IMDB)...wonder why?



according to daddy-o's drive-in dirt, it is not. http://www.mst3kinfo.com/daddyo/di_821.html scroll down to the bottom, it's mentioned in the last paragraph.

Draco: I taught the sorting hat a new trick! *places hat on Harry's head*
Sorting Hat: VIRGIN!


Haven't seen this one yet...Kind of skimmed through it, so if I missed it, I apologize.

Tom Servo: OH MY GOD! She's wearing two forms of plaid! I'm a naked robot and even I know that's a fashion no-no!




Anyone reading this and an MST3K fan, anyone know why there's no message board for the film "Agent for H.A.R.M.?" I thought this was one of the best shows they did, but no one has started a "Favorite MST3K Lines" thread. I'm too lazy to start it. Didn't anyone else think this episode was pure genius?


Crow: "No, I'm telling you, make me dinner!"

(I know this isn't a joke about the movie, but I had to put it in.)
Eddy: "What did I tell you to do with your puns?!"
Tom: "To shove them up my-"
Eddy: "That's right!"

Tom: (Aftr seeing the revolutionary fighters) "Hey, the New England Patriots!" (I know it's not really funny, but I'm a huge Patriots fan, so I just had to put it in.)

Mike: "Hi children of the corn."
Tom & Crow: "Hi!"

Crow: (Reading the end credits) "Matthew Paul?? OH, Pink Boy."


I'm suprised that no one listed this one:

"If I could travel through time, I'd find the man who invented the time machine...and slit his throat." - Dingy Homeless Man

"Michael Moore in thirty years!" - Crow


i almost choked at "He's running out of Alt!"


"Arrg, 16 men on a dead Dodge Dart!"

"To the pudding vats!" - Capt Murphy


(As Nick goes to his fridge near the end)
Servo: (As the unknown food) Please, eat me!

(As Nick grabs JK's head and bashes it on the dashboard of the plane a few times)
Crow: Check-your-flaps-before-taking-off!

(Credits, starting with Adam Bruch)
Crow: We serve a delicious Bruch every Sudday.


"Sorry I killed you Gary, nothing personal."

JK: "Get them out of my office!"
Crow: "You mean your mezzanine sir?"


Sure I'm an unappealing actor in a bad movie...SURE.


"Nick you are a genius!"
-A crop dusting GENIUS!


"oh no its plane proteciton services they know i kissed my plane."

"hi im bob evil."

oil spills are a distant memory.
"A good memory."


During the quick shot of a minuteman standing in the field:
"Just go ahead and go, Harry! We're not watchin' ya!"

"This isn't America, Jack. This is L.A."



Mike: "He's looking for honey, like Pooh!"
Tom: "He's like pooh, alright."

"Oscar has shown his tattoo. Now he must kill."




My Fave(very personal):

"So, they opened a Wal-Mart across the street a week ago and THIS is the result."


Bruce Springsteen's little brother Dwaine - Hmmhahammae...mohou HOuosmme

Eddy - mmmmmhahammewsmma


Not really a quote but when Nick is being chased and is running I couldn't stop laughing when Crow started sobbing/whining.

You can almost taste the excitement...and the flavour is brick!

