MovieChat Forums > The World Is Not Enough (1999) Discussion > In your opinion, what is the best Bond m...

In your opinion, what is the best Bond movie you've seen?

Mine is Live and Let Die.

It has an Awesome villian with a brilliant plan,a beautiful Bond girl,great action sequences,and a charming 007


casino royale... with daniel craig


casino royale is the best so far , haven't watched all of them yet



I can't choose a "best." But I can choose my favorites. I am only going off of the Brosnan and Craig films because those are the only ones I have seen.

Goldeneye, Tomorrow never dies, Skyfall.

Casino Royale would probably be thrown in there if I saw it again. I have never watched the whole thing all the way through. But most people seem to say it's really good. I only watched parts here and there.


I'm 23 and grew up watching mainly the Connery and (a few) Moore movies, as well as the Brosnan movies (obviously). I'm also the kind of Bond fan who enjoys watching every single one of the movies, including the "unofficial" Never Say Never Again. If you sit me down in front of a Bond movie, I will watch the whole thing and enjoy it too. I watch the entire Bond catalogue (in order of release) on Blu Ray a few times a year.

The best Bond movies are: From Russia With Love followed very closely by Goldfinger. Even though I am partial to the classics, Casino Royale gets an honorable mention as well.

The worst Bond movies are: The Man with the Golden Gun and On Her Majesty's Secret Service. These are the only 2 Bond movies that I have not seen more than 10 times, and I only watch them when I decide to sit down and view the entire collection in order. OHMSS would be one of my favorites if Connery had stuck around for it. George Lazenby is the worst Bond by a MILE- he is annoying to watch, annoying to listen to and very unpleasing to the eyes. That chin is enough to drive me crazy, and in the movie he seems more like an arrogant prick (which he apparently is/was in reality) than a suave, seductive secret agent. He brought nothing memorable to the character of Bond, and I will always view him as nothing more than a placeholder until the REAL James Bond (Connery) came back. I'm just thankful that Connery DID come back, and that Lazchinby decided not to take the 7-movie deal he was offered. That would have been catastrophic for the entire series IMO. I always get depressed when I watch OHMSS because I spend the entire time thinking about how great the movie would be if I was watching Connery instead of Lazchinby. Oh well...


Yeah I am going to have to watch the older ones. They look good too. In my opinion Craigs Bond is pretty boring, I don't think it is his fault as much as his scriptwriters though. Still good movies though. I think it is dumb to try and make "Bond" overly "realistic." That's when they become a bore.


The Spy Who Loved Me

Great action
Great car and gadgets
Great Set (Ken Adam!)
Great title song
Great Henchman
Great Bondgirl
Great locations
And Roger Moores best performance

plus a shark. Bondfilms with sharks are very good (TB, LALD, FYEO & LTK) :-)

And well, because some want to know:
I am 34 years old, my first Bond at theatres was GoldenEye, but I prefer Roger Moore & Sean Connery every time.
They were the best and their films were the best made (music, sound, oneliners, villains, performances!)
I also like OHMMS and the two Daltons very much.

So, follow-up:

2. Goldfinger
3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
4. The Living Daylights
5. Live And Let Die
6. From Russia With Love
7. Thunderball
8. For Your Eyes Only
9. Moonraker
10. GoldenEye


Casino Royale - is the best no doubt about it
Skyfall a close 2nd

Worst are Quantum of Sollace, Moonraker and Die Another Day (2nd half)






Definitely Goldeneye for me.


Mine is TWINE. It has two very good villains with a plan that is a perfect balance between realism and fantasy, the best Bond girl in Christmas Jones, the best Bond ally in Valentin Zukovsky, very good locations, fantastic action scenes, very good and catchy music, a brilliant climax and Pierce Brosnan in his best performance as Bond.


In favorite to least favorite, some switch around at times. I copy and pasted the brackets I felt suitable and added my own.


From Russia With Love
Casino Royale


The Spy Who Loved Me
Tomorrow Never Dies
Skyfall - Have yet to rewatch, could go up or down depending on replay value.
The World is not Enough
On Her Majesty's Secret Service


Dr. No
The Living Daylights
License to Kill
Live and Let Die
For Your Eyes Only


Die Another Day
Diamonds are Forever
You Only Live Twice
The Man with the Golden Gun


A View to a Kill


Quantum of Solace
Never Say Never Again

Ron *beep* Swanson is the greatest thing that ever happened to television.


Good list.
