Favorite line or scene?

I just loved the whole elevator-church thing, but there were several other good ones in this movie. What´s your favorite line or scene?

Oh, and by the way, what were "I love Lucy" and Troy´s answer to it about? I just didn´t get it...

Leave my elevator alone!


I can't believe no one has listed my fav quote that I actually use a lot when good friends call.

"Thanks for calling me on the telephone!!!!"




Soda Jerk "It's the mother!"

Sorry if someone already said this one!



The whole bit when he's keeping up his story, and he totally burns that guy about Alaska ^___^


the mom is my fave. i love sissy spacek.
i absolutely love the parents. i loved the whole ralph lauren thing and adam driving.

and i loved the parents doing boogie.:D and when helen was like "oh $h!t.' and then she covered her mouth. lol.

the multi-sexual mutants ans helen's reaction and going to scrub the sink!

"oh my lucky stars! a negro!"

eve's reaction when she see adam in the window.

when helen is giving birth and calvin is pumping her feet! that was so funny. and breathing heavily.

the "skate around your block" was so funny.
i love when the mom goes up to the old malt shop with the martini in her hand, and her reaction and the weird people's reaction. her expression is priceless as she goes back down.

i also love how she was blitzed through half the movie. lol!
the whole scene where the mom and dad meet eve. the mom was so funny.

when christopher walken scares sissy spacek and drops her drink and slumps in the chair! lol.
"When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything!"-sound of music.




One of my favorite lines that I say when someone asks me what I've been doing:

"Watching television, in color!"

They seldom get the quote.


Thanks everyone, for all these quotes from a really great movie. And would you believe it? I had another one come to mind! Remember toward the end, when Eve and Troy are trying to find which porn shop Adam's shelter might be under? Troy says something like, "back then, this all used to be like little houses with fruit orchards or something... how far we've come, huh?"

Just one more way this movie freshened my perspective on our world today.


Adam to Eve (when he tells her the truth): My dad said if I found a healthy young girl I should bring her on down. And Eve, you look plenty healthy to me.

I don't know how he said that with a straight face. The looks on both their faces were priceless.

I'm surprised no one mentioned a couple quotes at the end. First when the dad was trying to explain the birds and bees to Adam:
Dad-Then the sperm swims to the egg and *pop*
Dad-Because it must
Dad-Because it's out there

And when Archbisop Melker is talking about the club and how he wants ownership. Eve is smiling and negotiating, Adam is sitting there with his hand up.

And when the mom is at the new house and the dad says it really isn't that different from the fallout shelter and she says "No Calvin, this is different. Believe me." I love the look on her face as she enjoys the fresh air.

Great movie!


I can't belieeeevve that 2 years and 59 comments after this thread was started, nobody mentioned my favorite two lines of the movie! Incredible luck for me!

Like everyone else here, I love every second of this movie. It's wonderful. I don't think there's a single line in it that doesn't work or that falls flat.

However, I can identify my favorite line: It's when Arch Bishop Melcher pushes the tambourine off the counter while discussing the design of the new malt shop:
Melcher: It's my damn malt-shop. <shoves tambourine onto floor to make more room for blueprints.> Now I want full ownership of the entire downstairs. I want two of my guys at the door....

Just in case you don't get it, it's a masterful stroke of storytelling wherein the writers, without using a single word but rather using the action of the tambrouine, communicate to us that Melcher has completely gotten over his former meta-physical confusion and no longer thinks the family are gods.

Followed closely by:
Calvin: <tastes drink> Ahhh...perfect. Now stop me if you've heard this one: This duck walks into a bar...


At the time I that I'm putting this one in, it's 3 years and 9 pages of nested comments. And still nobody has listed this one:

Adam: You have very nice ceilings.
Troy: Do I?
Adam: Um-hmm.
Troy: Well. Ya like ceilings?
Adam: Not particularly.


AWESOME! That's another one that sailed totally over my head. I was just about to reply to you and say "no one mentioned that because it's not funny" when I suddenly got the joke and busted out laughing out loud.

Thanks for turning us on to that. It's just the way Brendan says that so deadpan, he conceals that there's a joke there. Really good stuff, this is an amazing script.


Because I am lazy and don't feel like looking through 8 pages, my fave scene is at the very end when Christopher Walken is walking and measuring his backyard. He looks so insane and memorized with being outside, he is not used it. Laughed so hard.


I thought the "dickhead" quote was hilarious. just how adam is all "I have this mental picture..."


When Eve says, "I'm limping, how attractive is that?"


You're not even supposed to be here! you're SUPPOSED to be on <some street name> boulevard having unsafe sex with that slut sophie!

I...I know and I'm REALLY sorry


I love the scenes at the club when Eve is getting really jealous of Adam but at the same time is falling more in love with him. I also like when she is talking to Troy about Adam and how she fell for him and she tried to get him committed.


wonginator84: Awesome catch on that "I'm REALLY sorry" joke. That flew totally over my head.

Another joke that my wife just explained to me is in "Mickey Blue Eyes" when Hugh Grant speaks to an elderly lady at this art gallery. She tells him her father recently died and he says "That must have been a shock." He just says it so deadpan and the comment is so innocuous that it just doesn't seem as a joke is intended, but it's great.



The best absolute line in this movie is when Adam first leaves with Eve from the baseball card shop. The guy who runs it, forgot his name, yells, "Mazel-fu*kin'-tav!"


I just love the way Brendan Fraser exclaims "Oh my lucky stars! A Negro!"

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.


The scene with the shrink and the social worker.
(I may be paraphrasing it's been a while since I've seen the movie.)

Psychiatrist: "The important thing is that everyone stays calm."

Cut to Adam taking off in the truck and wiping out the social worker's car.

Social worker: "Oh my car, you son of a bitch!"

Social worker: yelling at psychiatrist "And where were you? Why'd you let him get away?"

Troy: "Now the important thing is that everyone stays calm."

Social worker trying to beat the ever loving hell out of troy.


I love the expression on Trous face when he said that. Trying not to laugh as he said it because he knew she'd get mad haha.


I loved the bit about the dickhead...and how Adam kind of collapsed towards the window and dropped his stuff!!

i love when Eve and Troy go to Adam's hotel room and find out he was telling the truth...

Troy: Eve, a man walks into your life, who's the kindest, most polite, most incredibly rich guy you've ever met...

Eve: ...and I have him committed

Troy: Yah, honey!... you did!!

Eve: Well, at least I fell for him before I found out he was rich, that's new!


Eve: What kind of wife are you looking for?
Adam: Oh um, well... one who's not a mutant.
Eve: [laughs] No dogs, huh. OK. Cool.
Adam: And if it's possible, I'd like to marry someone from Pasadena.
Eve: [laughs] Um, when do you need her by?
Adam: Two weeks?
Eve: Well, I can probably get you laid in two weeks, but to locate a non-mutant wife from Pasadena takes some time.
Adam: That's what I was afraid of.

and loudly, in the restaurant...!!!

Adam: What did you mean when you said you can get me laid?
Eve: Uh, can we talk about that a little later?
Adam: Of course.
Eve: Great.


When Adam, Troy, and Eve walk into the club, and Troy and Eve take turns telling Adam how to act, and finally

E: "Just be yourself"
T: "Yeah, that's always good advice"
E: "Well, for him... it doesn't work for the rest of us"
T: "Yeah..."
