Terrible Ending


I don't get it, I don't like it!

The door is open, light literally at the end of the tunnel... and they pause. I woulda left Worth there in his contemplative and nihilistic state.

Then to add to the ridiculousness they couldn't hear Quentin the psycho come into the room behind them. AAAH!!! So frustrating.

Why! Why do people do that in movies? They are right at the precipice and they take that time to exhale, or celebrate, or have an epiphany, or make amends, or whatever. GET THE *beep* TO SAFETY then do all that other crap.


We all do that to some extinct! I used to work with computers for a company and put in 12 hours a day; 4 days on, 3 days off, 3 days on, 4 days off! You would think I would be waiting at the door for my relief, but you know how it is! You turnover work, chat for a bit, and end up hangin' out another 15-20 min before hitting the door! With those 12 hours, a team building class of some sort had me there for 16 hours! Again, I didn't exactly run out of there screaming! You dawdle! Think about it, you feel better when some chore is close to an end; there's relief and you see the end of "that tunnel!" A thirsty person gets over it if he can see it in the distance! ;-)


Apples and oranges dude. You're not exactly fighting for your life those 12 hours of work.

Or are you????


The fact that Quentin somehow made his way from the room they left him in to that room was already unlikely (or very lucky, the paths he took connected to them and there were no traps which he'd have to go blindly into). But that he managed to sneak in without anyone noticing is really dumb. Those doors make a noise when opened. You can't sneak up on someone like that.


you can hear the door open while Leaven is giving her motivational speech at the end..


not just unlikely. impossible. even if he followed by sound, they had just moved in their cube. great movie but bad little horror trope at the end that made no sense. 8/10


I know I had the same thought!! I was like what are you doing? Get the heck out of there already. Then somehow Quentin finds the room they're in and manages to sneak up on them? It's like they didn't know how to end it so they went for a random shock.


Absolutely, my thoughts exactly. It was so forced to have them sit around with their thumbs up their asses contemplating existence after fighting for 12 hours and finally seeing the light of the exit.

And it was way way way more forced for Quentin to find them. The three of them just barely made it into the last cube before it moved to the bridge. If Quentin wasn't in that moving cube, there is absolutely no way he could have reached them, and known well enough that they were in the bridge cube to quietly open the door and sneak up on them, which is also insane because Kazan would have seen him and the doors do not open silently.

I guess they were trying to get some closure with Quentin dying, and I'm OK with the idea of Worth sacrificing himself to kill Quentin and save someone, but at LEAST Leaven should have escaped with Kazan, and it was impossible for Quentin to have found them that way.


I agree that it would have been better to have Worth sacrifice himself holding back Quentin so Leaven and Kazan could escape. Like, if Quentin opened the door and they freaked and Worth gets knocked down by Quentin and Leaven and Kazan escape and as Quentin tries to follow, then Worth holds his leg.

That would have been a bit more intense because you would have known Worth sacrificed himself to stay in the Cube and save them. There's no way he'd survive however many days it'd take for the bridge to go back around again.

The reason I think Worth sits down is because it's part of his character arc - that he becomes aware of who he is and he's not proud of himself. He starts off as this apathetic character who doesn't care and finds it all amusing to someone who confesses his role and then starts to feel remorse for what he's done.

It's even hinted to this when he has that conversation with Holloway when she says, "How long did you know they were putting people in this" And he responds, "A few months" and she says, "That's not long if you consider your whole life" and he says, "I am."

It's kind of hinting how he's realizing that by keeping his head down and just taking the check, his actions had very real repercussions.

But yes, the ending is forced. I guess Natali had a specific way he wanted the ending to be was that Kazan is the only one to escape because that's almost a message in itself. The only one to escape is the Autistic guy who's motives are somewhat pure. If you really think about it - the traps only killed two people (Rennes and Alderson). Quentin killed everyone else. He was more deadly than the cube.

I guess there was no easy way at that point to wrap it up but yeah, having Quentin sneak up wasn't the best idea.

...For every man who has ever lived, in this universe, there shines a star.
-Arthur C. Clarke


Agree. Terrible ending. After just having close calls with other cells too. No way Quentin finds his way there either and killing others just dumb. Even Saw had more depth. This could have been much better, more psychological/purposeful, despite the preposterous plotholes.


i thought it fit the general insanity of the film
