Why Did Palpatine Want Padme Dead in Attack of the Clones?


Star Wars: Attack of the Clones features a Separatist plot to kill Senator Padme Amidala--but why would Chancellor Palpatine want her dead?


He didn't. It was Nute Gunray from the Episode I who wanted her dead. He would only join the Separatists with his robot army (he never went to prison, but was put on trial four times and humiliated but kept his job as Viceroy) if Senator Amidala was killed. So it was Count Dooku who hired Jango Fett and Zam Wesell to kill Padmé, not Palpatine. I'm not sure the Chancellor even knew about the whole affair, or if he did, he had confidence that Padmé would find a way to survive the attacks thanks to her Jedi friends and her own ingenuity.

One way you know that it's Nute Gunray who wanted Padmé dead was because when Anakin and her were on Geonosis, they overheard a conversation where the asshole outright told Count Dooku he wanted her head on his desk as revenge for capturing him 10 years prior.

