who's the droid that dies on the platform in the beginning ?

he's an r2 unit and he is a nice color green.


I have no idea. After years and years of defending all three Prequels, I finally decided that Menace and Clones are complete and utter SHIT and will NEVER be in my streaming collection, and only SITH is worth anything, even if it's just background to the OT.


well he might be in rots. not really sure if he was dead or not. he was just lying on his side.


My best guess is R2-A5.


he's in a new hope. his green is nice but not as nice as the one from aotc.


Right, but it could be from wear and tear since aotc took place decades before anh.


i like to think that is true. he shows up again on tatooine.
