Why didn’t they trade 3PO for parts?



Probably not as valuable as a hyperdrive. Since Anakin built him using Watto's junk, Watto also might have suddenly considered 3P0 to be his property.

What's odd is that they didn't shop around for the part elsewhere.

But what's REALLY odd is that they didn't bother to send a message to somewhere like Coruscant that could just send somebody to pick them up. Maybe there's a reason (the Trade Federation might pick up their signal) but either the film doesn't mention this, or it's been well over a decade since I've seen the movie and I can't recall it... Seems like they could have sent an encrypted or coded transmission, though... Heck, they could have used some communication system on Tatooine and had Obi-wan or Qui-Gon send some less important message like, "Hey, we were out here on a Jedi meditation retreat/ peace mission in the Outer Rim, and our ship broke down. Send somebody to pick us up?" and the Jedi Council would've gone, "Hey, those are the guys we sent to negotiate with the Trade Federation. For them to be in the Outer Rim, something must have gone wrong. Let's send a lot of guys to pick them up."

In fact, there's a LOT of stuff they could have tried and they just didn't...


Great points. The current plot is almost retarded.


It feels almost like it was the first plot he thought of. I know that sounds weird because he's making it up; order doesn't matter. He also had almost twenty years since the first Star Wars to think about the backstory. Was this the one he always pictured? It still seems like he rushed the script.

But, to be fair, I think that we all pictured something different. The audience basically had the same amount of time as George Lucas to think about how we pictured the backstory to Star Wars and I do wonder if it was impossible to come up with a "good" plot. As in: would we have all just nit-picked it to death regardless of what it was just because it wasn't how we thought it should go? I think about that a lot. Is it impossible to make a satisfactory Star Wars movie? Fan expectation is so high that maybe they can't.

Anyway, whether it could work is hypothetical. The factual is that TPM feels like it has an underbaked plot.
