Dumbest movie title of all time!



The fact that it makes people think of "h20"? As in the chemical formula of water?

I think it's okay. Not great, not bad. It is what it is. Names and titles are a funny thing in of themselves.
It's fine that there's two H20's. One meaning water and the other meaning Halloween 20 years later.

My username is based off a Third Eye Blind song name. Names are supposed to be versatile and funny. Whatever, man. Life isn't meant to be that serious.


I find it harder to believe that the original Halloween (1978) was only 20 years old when this movie came out, and now H20 is 22 years old already, and Halloween (1978) is 42 years old.


They should've just called it, "Halloween: 20 years later" but 1998 was around the time the internet and AOL was blowing up big time and people were using AOL Instant messenger and using abbreviations for everything so I guess "H20" kind of came from that tech boom.
