MovieChat Forums > Warriors of Virtue (1997) Discussion > Angus McFadyen's performance

Angus McFadyen's performance

Is absolutely hilarious. It ranks up there with Nicolas Cage in Vampire's Kiss as dementedly brilliant. His nonsensical poetry delivered in such a ridiculous fashion just blew my mind. And the way he delivered the "Warriors, come out and plaa-aaaay!" was great too.
Overall this movie was sort of underwhelming, but not necessarily bad. Komodo was ridiculously memorable though.

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."




Looks like a gay Johnny Depp.

As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier- Joker 89



Come on, have you seen Warriors of Virtue? That movie is full hacks everywhere. It's just as bad as North.

And The Critic did kind of like Komodo and that's only because he's so over the top, it's bad but hilarious.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."


And also he didn't say the guy playing Komodo was bad. He felt it was more directing.


Yeah, it was just bad direction. I think Angus Macfadyen knew the concept sucked but decided to have fun with his character.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."



I just saw Nostalgia Critic's video for teh first time and thought it was terrible. he completely thought it was "so bad it's good" funny, when I thought it was inspired. The movie sucked, but the perfroamnces was great.

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


I think he was probably the best thing about this movie, great actor.



I think he was probably the best thing about this movie

Oh, totally. IMO, he's this movie's only redeeming feature. Every scene he's in cracks me up.

"Warriors! Come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"

"I smell fear. Fear of what? Death? (...) There is nothing to fear because nothing dies. Listen! Life ... is but a dream ... flowing into another dream." (henchman nods, puzzled; Komodo waves nonchalantly) "Bye."

And then, of course, there's the completely random: "Does purple suit me?" (Which, honestly, I don't think it does - his skin's far too yellow for that outfit.)

Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head.


His performance totally reminds me of Aro Volturi. Perfect dead on comparison.


Never saw this in its entirity, but I had it on in the background while reorganizing some comics and Holy Mary Mother of God! 😆🤣😭 What a wonderfully awful performance. He's howling, making random noises, and teasing the good guys with glee as he fights them. One of the most entertaining worst performances I have ever seen.


it was a favourite childhood film


I was a teen when it came out, so not exactly childhood, but I enjoyed it. I was really into martial arts back in the day so it was up my alley.

In fact, I remember owning it on VHS and think I later had it on DVD. I haven't seen it now in years though.

There was a sequel but from what I understand it had little connection to the original film. That's a shame. A proper sequel could've been fun.


same power rangers, the three ninjas, this, dragon ball z. I just wanted to kick and martial arts fight everything


I just wanted to kick everything, HA!

I was 17 when this movie came out. Obviously not a kid, but I remember the trailer appealing to the kid in me. The visuals kinda grabbed me. But I never actually saw it. I wasn't going to see this in theaters and eventually forgot about it.

I love a good guilty pleasure, so I get your fondness for it.


It's a fun movie! And Macfadyen's performance is fucking great.

You should watch the whole thing at some point.


"And Macfadyen's performance is fucking great."

If by great, you mean horrendous, sure.


I mean great as in mind-blowingly awesome and fun.


Ok, that's fair. It's certainly fun to watch.
