

If Rose wasn't so heavy..do you think they would have both been able to stay afloat on that piece of wood?

Heheh... Rose wasn't heavy. She also wasn't anorexic, but that has nothing to do with it.

For the purpose of the story, the wall section was written to be insufficiently buoyant to carry them both, which was the whole point: Rose was going on to live a long life, and Jack would tragically die.

If the story had been written with Jack rescuing both Rose and (say) Rose's mother or that abandoned child or children, then the wall section would have been big enough to hold everyone who was written to survive the sinking *except* Jack.


She wasn't heavy. She was the expected build for a woman of well-to-do means.


And she was a little short thing. Probably weighed 120 pounds all told, but then, so did Leo at that age.



It would be impolite to speculate further.

She was a small woman who weighed less than the average human being, if a little more than the average actress, so her weight would not have an issue.
