This movie is a lie

I am currently sitting in China and writing this post. In my opinion, this movie is trying to prove a threat to the American people, which does not really (at least not in the shown form) exist anymore. For sure, there were different times in China, but it changed so much in the recent years. Although I've arrived in China not before 2002, I just cannot accept the idea transmitted by this movie.

Richard Gere, being a marketing tool for Tibetian monks (which strategically organize their campaigns from Switzerland), is the forerunner of Hollywood's funding puppets. And this movie is a political action, disguised as an agent provocateur, but not reveiling its true motives. So, even if China government is cruel and deceitful, then Gere is trying to beat it with its own weapons. It is just not fair to the viewer to transmit a political message without showing its real sponsors.

Except that, it is, ironically enough, a good-paced movie, which leaves a great effect and impression on its even well-educated audience. But, as said, it uses a horror picture / clichee of a nation to achieve it.

Would be happy to learn more about other opinions...


franc-kaiser, if you even bothered to take a course on international legal system, you would know that the movie accurately portrays what is a Communist-cum-Civil Code legal system (which is what China uses).

Under the Civil Code, judges have NO legal training whatsoever. This, add on to the fact that Communist Law only allows Party Members to be judges, makes this movie's portrayal of the Chinese legal system accurate.



What I'm reading here makes me sad. 11 persons self-immulated themselves this year in tibet, in a form of protest. What else can they do?
People writing here that they live in China, and they don't know anything about China invading Tibet and what the Chinese gov. did to tibet people, they say they have never read about it in their history-book:

You never asked yourself why you don't know anything about what happened in Tibet? About what happened in your own country that very day in 1989? About other Chinese history that the whole world knows about but you don't?

Think about!



the review was posted in 2004, OP arrived in china in 2002, and film was from 1997 (prob filmed 1995/1996-1997). at the very least, conceivable the film matches 1997 China.


I agree with you to n extent...

but I used to live in Chin, and IMDB is blocked. So either you are using proxy (nd disrespecting the nation which is hosting you) or lying.


it's stupid to make a comment in 2004, about a movie made in 1997, regarding the current timeliness of the movie!



While I question why only an American media mogul would be considered a sympathetic hero for such a film, I beg to differ with your cry of "Lie!". This fairly accurately portrays the complex situation that is China, with many well-intentioned people fighting the manipulation and indoctrination of a country that has been manipulated and indoctrinated for several thousand years. Now, with the relative freedom of the internet, one hopes China's voice will finally speak out, and help spread truth and openness in the face of the deceit and manipulation of power and wealth. Then,finally, the Chinese spirit - which is the human spirit - can soar with freedom to new heights.


I think it's very funny how u American know-all life savers r so worried about Chinese people, thinking we all live in endless fear we all live like slaves, the government tries to kill us all, while I, in China, am sitting in front of my laptop, eating chips, thinking about where to hang out and have some awesome Chinese food at weekends with my friends.
I have many Uyghur and Tibetan friends,know what? they just take the whole independent thing as a joke. Han Chinese people love Tibetan and Uyghur cultures, u can see their cultures being praised anywhere outside of Xinjiang and Xizang. Also there r 56 ethnicity in China, there're not only tibetans liveing in Xizang but many people of other ethnicity. Those ridiculous monks don't stand for all Tibetan people, u ever asked them what they truly want?
Our country is a good old nation with a history of 5000 thousand years, it's too complicated, all the cultures, different races, hundreds of different langauges and dialects, it's really hard to keep all the different things united, even Han Chinese from different cultures argue with each other. our country is not like America, but we do admit all the good about ur country, and we never make up things which don't exist in ur country. Tibet has been there in China for centuries, long before the US of the A, long before u Europeans came to the good land of America and tortured the Natives. Most people born after 1980 r not fans of Chinese government, but it's really not that evil as what u westerners think. You westerners just simply believe that we're all brainwashed and u guys, who have never lived in China, experienced the life in China, are not even able to read a single Chinese characters, just know all the truths about China. Have u ever thought about, maybe u r the one who's brainwashed all those western media fantasy? So u believe everything u hear from the media, everything u see online is the true? Are u Americans really that naive?
and It's also very funny to see all the Chinese people commenting here r very polite, acting in good manners, saying hello before they start a conversation, while u good people of America try to curse everyone who holds different opinions from u. That's the result of ur country's democratic education?
English is not my first language, I apologize if I make any mistakes, but still, we Chinese know English so if we wanna know anything about America, we can read, but u can't read anything in Chinese.
