MovieChat Forums > As Good as It Gets (1997) Discussion > Wasn't he a little OLD for her?

Wasn't he a little OLD for her?

I loved the movie, but I found the whole romance btwn those two a bit far fetched. How could she go from that guy she dated in the begining of the movie to this old guy? He looked like he could be her father, or even grandfather. I think they should have made him up to look younger, or her to look older, because it just seemed wierd. Agree?


I've seen plenty of cases in reality where women dated men old enough to be their fathers. It's not very uncommon and you might want to get out more if you thought that was too far-fetched. As to whether I condone of this, I'm not sure, but it happens, and it happens a lot and not just in Western cultures.



I couldn't even stand to watch that one. An old guy on top of a young woman really turns me off.

"When I told you to go screw yourself I didn't mean for you to take it literally."
Adam Gibson



True love knows no age, race, religion or gender. When you're lucky enough to find it, you should take it where it is. They're both adults, she's not 15 or something. What does it matter how old he is?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


You say that "love knows no age", followed by saying that "it's not like she was 15". Priceless. Th is is what gets me about people like you.


Jesus, are you KIDDING? It's one thing to question the age difference, but how she could go from that total clown in the first scene to a charismatic guy like Jack Nicholson? I mean okay, JN and Melvin are not the same people, but Melvin did have charisma, and he was intelligent. If anything, that first guy should answer your question about the age difference. It shows how a young guy may come off as VERY lame, VERY VERY VERY lame compared to someone cool like Melvin. He may have lacked an old man's body, but other than that, it'd be like dating a minor from Carol's perspective, if you compare with Melvin.


Wasn't he a little OLD for her?

Yes. Probably as old or older than the actress who played her mom... but could anyone else play the character but Jack Nicholson? I don't think so.


Age doesn't mean anything. Why can't they be together? Who are you to judge who should and shouldn't be together?


Right let's pretend that aside from a few "select" weirdos like the OP, there's no such concept as outwardly observing an age difference.

"Love solves all" cartoonish memes aside, big age gaps do present real hurdles to relationships and it's also proven that they prevent many from succeeding. The fact that "compatibility" is a highly regarded factor in romantic pursuit is probably a strong indicator to why peer-age relationships are the majority if not more or less the default. (Yes, romances with age gaps are frequent, but the bigger the gap is [upwards the point of 12 years] the shorter the affairs often are).

People can honestly stop treating "too old" remarks as though they are less than the plainly common reaction they are. You are certainly free to treat age as something to be ignored, but the fact remains that rule of "age limit" is a concept that most people were introduced to dating/romance with. It doesn't just happen that after reaching an arbitrarily set age of "adult consent", everyone completely forgets about age taboos. Yes it is different when we are older and have more sexual maturity and freedom. Its also true that not everyone follows a particular age mold, and Jack Nicholson's 60 year-old in the move wasn't an average example. Still, age does have an unavoidable affect on romance, sex and life in general, and ignoring it completely is no wiser than being too overly attentive to it.


Once you grow up, you'll change your mind. You sound very immature.

Really, judging from this thread, your crusading seems to be related to a personal problem of yours. Take it somewhere more suitable.

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


Clearly, no. Since they got together and that was, apparently, good for them.

Perhaps that was (part of) the point, eh? The right match for those two doesn't really need to meet the expectations of the likes of us (meaning, you.)

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.
