MovieChat Forums > Mimic (1997) Discussion > Kids Dying in Movies

Kids Dying in Movies

When the last time you saw some kids get absolutely owned like in this movie? I was shocked, you don't see that very often. I can think of...
-From Dusk Till Dawn (the fat Asian boy) by the Vampires
-That one movie where the guy gets killed by the Cougar... can't remember the name

Can you name any more?


The kid that gets blown up by the suitcase bomb in The Untouchables.


A Serbian Film. Yeah, there was a newborn baby that was raped and even though it wasn't killed onscreen, you know that that probably would've killed it.

My Vote History:


The uncut version of "Vampire Circus" from 1972. Two young boys are killed by vampires...and u see it!


A Nightmare on Elm street original.. Tina is only supposed to be 14 years old.

Let The Right One In - two kids get butchered at the end by the young vampire girl in the swimming pool.

Rec - the little Spanish girl is the first one to come down with the virus.

The Mist - someone mentioned the bag boy but no one has mentioned Tom Jane's kid at the end.

The X-Files - killed plenty of children during its run.

The Children - the kids go around murdering their parents at christmas time and the step daughter of one of the parents starts murdering the children.

The Orphan - although no kids die, the scenes where the little girl is pushed in front of a moving car, is left in a moving car and when the young boy is stuck in the burning treehouse are pretty intense

My teenage angst has a body count


Leon: The Professional
The Patriot
Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith
Platoon? can't remember


Trick or Treat horror anthology: kids get ripped apart by zombies off screen but you can hear it.


Halloween 3 Season of the Witch featured a memorable death scene involving a kid.

The Final Conflict (Omen 3) featured a bunch of newborn babies being killed in the movie.


Beware: Children at play. The kids turn into Zombies and the adults kill them in some gruesome ways. One gets a pitchfork though the neck, another gets shot by a gun in his mouth. I've never seen the movie but i looked up it.


In Bruges (kid is shot in the head)
The walking dead
*season 1
*season 2
** technaclly there zombies but yea

The Rock vs Diesel 2011
Sly vs JCVD 2012


Zombie kids still count.


Gone with the Wind ~ Scarlett and Rhett's daughter, Bonnie, is thrown from her pony, and her neck is broken. This is shown onscreen.
Dead Calm ~ Nicole Kidman's trauma is created when her unseatbelted toddler is catapulted from the back seat through the windshield during a traffic accident.
Audrey Rose ~ I don't recall if Audrey's death in a burning car is shown completely, but Ivy dies while going through hypnotic regression,reliving Audrey's death.
Godsend ~ The boy's death sets the story in motion; I don't recall how graphic it is though.
The Godsend ~ The protagonist's daughter and wife are killed though it's not shown graphically.
The Bad Seed ~ Rhoda gets zapped by lightning.
Lady in White ~ The ghost girl's death is reenacted, including the chilling moment on the seaside cliff.

The murder of the teenage girl in "In Her Skin" is quite harrowing. This is based on a true story and is considered a bit too accurate for comfort. It definitely doesn't gloss over it. But, teens have long been a target for onscreen deaths.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***



Maximum Overdrive


The Green Mile: kids killed by the crazy dude.
Village of the Damned: 2 flicks with same story where kids are killed by dynamite.
Who Can Kill a Child?: Kids get shot and bludgeoned.
Breaking Bad: Kid that witnesses a train robbery gets shot.
Children of the Damned: Kids wasted by military.
The Day After: Kids killed on screen in nuclear explosion.
Combat: French kid shot by German soldier in a tunnel.
Criminal Minds: Kids killed by deranged psychos in several episodes.


There's a Hong Kong movie called "Ebola Syndrome", in which 8 (young) children from the same family are brutally murdered by a maniac.


Anyone seen Barefoot Gen? Grave of the Fireflies?
Animated Japanese films about WWII. Kids in those didn't survive too good.


The Blob (80s version)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (90s version)
Funny Games/Funny Games US
The Devil's Backbone
Pan's Labyrinth
The Descent
My Girl
The Good Son
Dawn of the Dead (twice, technically, as two kid zombies get killed)
Lord of the Flies
Sleepy Hollow
The Mist
Dellamore Dellamorte/Cemetary Man (same as Dawn of the Dead)
Enemy at the Gates
Ghost Ship
The Virgin Suicides
Pet Semetary
Road to Perdition
The Brood
Who Can Kill A Child?
Once Upon A Time in the West
Amityville II
Assault on Precinct 13
Alien 3
Children of the Corn
From Dusk Till Dawn
The Shining (technically)
Night of the Living Dead
30 Days of Night
Don't Look Now
Fudoh: The New Generation
Pitch Black
The Lovely Bones
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
The Orphanage
Let The Right One In
Grave of the Fireflies
Schindlers List
Final Destination
The Untouchables
City of God
A History of Violence
28 Days Later
Kill List
In Bruges
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

Now that we have guided missiles, we have misguided men.

Martin Luther King


Mad Max, infant son and wife die run "over" by a motorcycle (do you call it run over if it's a motorcycle?)


Lonesome Dove, poor little Joe, abandoned by his mom and stabbed in the chest by Blue Duck.

