MovieChat Forums > Men in Black (1997) Discussion > Will's song is a RIP-OFF (of a better so...

Will's song is a RIP-OFF (of a better song) - WHY do you cheer and praise?

Sorry, but people celebrate SUCH wrong things in this world, I just had to bring to light a few facts.

Listen to this song:

Then tell me Will didn't rip it off (the wikipedia page even mentions it).

This is not that good an original song, it just repeats the same thing over and over, just like Will's version. Since when is that considered even music, let alone .. oh yeah, I forgot which planet and era I exist in. Sigh. Here 'music' can mean incoherent, repetitive noise without any melody that goes on and on and never changes - melody and creativity be damned.

Of course what passes off as 'creativity' here.. never mind.

In any case, the original is not particularly good, but it's much better than Will's mutated and even more simplified version of it. Will didn't create this, and the original doesn't represent much creativity, either.

Also, the original 'Men in Black' were THUGS and dangerous enforcers of power in the wrong hands and insanity, and their victims were innocent people, whose families were threatened and property destroyed.

This movie not only whitewashes those criminal thugs, but then distorts and rips off an original 1982 song (that's not that good to begin with).. a good world, the result would be friggin' RIOTs for trying to brainwash the public with a crappy comedy into thinking those men were somehow GOOD and PROTECTING people (the only similarity is that they try to stop information and truth from getting to the masses, but shouldn't WE, THE PEOPLE decide what we want or need to know?).

The end result would be spitting on Will's face for ripping off a repetitive one-hit wonder from the early eighties and mutilating it even further to be even worse.

But on THIS planet? People CHEER for this crap and lap it up, without remembering or knowing anything about the original 'Men in Black' or the original song, or understanding music at all.

People PRAISE this "music" (and I use the term sarcastically) and call it a 'good and cool song' here.


Have you EVER heard actual music? Have you EVER research history? Have you EVER familiarized yourself with how movies are manufactured to hide things, whitewash things and alter history in people's minds?

I don't weep for the future, I weep for the NOW and for the present.. people can't honestly be this stupid, can they?


I never did
