MovieChat Forums > The Devil's Advocate (1997) Discussion > WTF?? People From Florida Don't Sound Li...

WTF?? People From Florida Don't Sound Like This!!!

This was a phenomenal movie that completely caught me off guard, but the only thing that I didn't like about this film were the crappy accents. I grew up in Florida (namely in Duval County, where Keannu talks about being a prosecutor for 5 years)and people just don't have accents like that. I even spent many, many weekends in Gainesville (Alachua County)visiting family and even there, people just don't sound like that. Not everybody from the South speaks like they're from Alabama or Texas. I know that it's just a movie, but talk about flat out annoying.


LMAO! I was born in Jax. and lived there until I was 14 and then moved to Denver. I came back to FL after high school and that was when I had my first big culture shock from living in a small town. But I agree; it's very annoying that people assume everyone living in a southern state talks like that.


LMAO, you gotta figure, though, that they were trying to portray the Kevin Lomax character as a down home country boy, raised by his religious mama, taught to do right, who goes to the "big city" and makes all the wrong choices. What else says "country" (to a massive percentage of the world) but a southern accent (even if it is a sucky one)?
I spent 10 years in Jax and the only accents I heard were from people who were from *other* southern states. When I told my friends/family in CA that Floridians don't have that accent, no one believed me.


Blegh, as a southerner myself I don't think the majority of us sound like that...the "souther drawl" they used it one reminiscent of plantation-era speech. I don't think people speak like that in general, at least not anymore.


The only one that annoyed me was Charlize. WTF was going on there? Keanu's wasn't bad. Judith Ivy sounded just like she did on Designing Women, so maybe I was just used to hers.


If you'll recall, it was mentioned that Keanu's character went to either UGA or Ga. Tech. Maybe the family was originally from GA.


he sounds like he's from 'knocks-ville' tennessee.

The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.


Don't feel bad. Ask anyone from New Orleans about the accents in The Big Easy. There are sounds coming out of character's mouths that no one in New Orleans would recognize.


funny that you think florida is a special case and point to alabama and texas as having the accents..actually most of the south doesn't have strong accents anymore..actors are just stupid and annoying.


What? I grew up partly down south and the people most definitely still have accents.


Everyone in the US has an accent. But the differences are more subtle than the obvious stereotypical accents that actors often put on. Some people have strong accents but most don't. Putting on a thick (and faulty) accent is stupid and unnecessary.


Not entirely. My family members have super thick accents. It all depends on what area you're trying to represent.


I recently visited Florida for the first time in my life and I thought almost everyone down there talks with a southern accent! I was born and raised in Michigan my entire life so when I hear a southern accent I know for sure that they're not from Michigan, so when I went to Florida for the first time this year I was really surprised because I didn't think people who were from Florida even had southern accents, but yeah pretty much everyone I met talked "country."
