
Quite common in other boards, I thought it would be interesting to see what everyones favourite quote/part is.


This was on IFC yesterday. I was reading a book and missed the first part of it but heard something funny and quickly put the book down to watch the movie. So having missed the first part, why was it the oldest brother was in jail? Anyway I laughed at so many parts I couldnt pick just one although I would have to say "it don't mean as much as a big effen driveway" would be one of my tops.


'Trace got Wayne an elephant. They bring good luck if the trunk is up, and it's trunk was up.'

I don't think that's it exactly but the delivery was just hilarious.

'Tell em Dale.'
Dad was always good at making everyone feel important.
'Dale dug a hole.'
Like the time I dug a hole.

It's all in the delivery. The vibe of the thing, really. Haha.

Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite.


Wayne got 8 yrs. for armed robbery. As for quotes, I'd have to say the whole movie. One of my favorites!!!

I have not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.


"Dad is more proud of him now than when he was in jail!"

"They bought mum a genuine Rolex for $15 from a fella at the beach. He said he'd mail the warranty later"

"Is a credit to the airline"


Don't know why, but when I first saw this, having been in Australia for six years, I thought Linda Gibson's line - "Get your hand off it, Darryl" was guffaw out loud funny.


He's dreamin'!
