The Funniest Scene

Remember the scene where Penelope, her servant, and Odeysseus' mother were at the beach just before Odeysseus' mom drowns herself? All I'm asking is - what's the servant doing in the background? She looked like a mental patient, but it was so funny! Anybody remember that scene?


For me the funniest scene is when Polites (then transformed into a pig) was about to be "devoured" by his pals. That moment was just hilarious!


and when he turned back into a naked human and started chasing his friends away, all pissed off XP I also laughed at the servant when she did that when the mother was going to drown herself. Everybody was laughing at that scene and how Penelope was reacting to the whole thing, it was pretty weird

And I'll get him back even as he gloats. In the meantime, I'll practice on less honerable throats!


The drowning scene was absolutely hysterical. Even our teacher was laughing like crazy. This whole movie is pretty hilarious actually, just for being so terrible. The Hector/Achilles scene was also a good one.

I can't believe this movie has a 6.7 on here, it's literally one of the worst things I've ever seen. Unless it's based purely on comic value...




That's her way to mourn. They covered their heads, beat their faces, smeared dust and ashes all over face and head and cried in a very loud, shrill voice. It does look funny to a westerner I suppose, but in this particular case I think it was just Geraldine Chaplin's bad acting.


yeah we were watching this movie today and when that happen everyone was cracking up and the teacher got really mad it was just so weird looking

Don't move! I've got a gun. Not here, but I got one.


This is NOT funny at all!!! It is SCARY. And sad... <:(((


I think it's hilarious that anyone on this thread that says they laughed at the part where she kills herself, immediately precedes that statement with..."I was in class"

I'm sure if I was a two year old douche in a special ed course I would think it's funny too.


For me the funniest scene is when Polites (then transformed into a pig) was about to be "devoured" by his pals. That moment was just hilarious!

and when he turned back into a naked human and started chasing his friends away, all pissed off XP I also laughed at the servant when she did that when the mother was going to drown herself. Everybody was laughing at that scene and how Penelope was reacting to the whole thing, it was pretty weird

I have to say that's the funniest scene. Not only do you get to see Polites all angry and "naked," you can clearly see that he's wearing something over his crotch. If he hadn't, then it would've been the most horrifying scene in the movie.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


According to my English teacher, what Penelope's servant was doing in the background was a common way for the Greeks to display grief. It has a name, but I can't remember right now. I also found it VERY funny.


by ar_twelve_22 (Sun Jan 15 2006 14:25:13)
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Remember the scene where Penelope, her servant, and Odeysseus' mother were at the beach just before Odeysseus' mom drowns herself? All I'm asking is - what's the servant doing in the background? She looked like a mental patient, but it was so funny! Anybody remember that scene?

It's been three years since you posted this. Hopefully you've grown up some, but probably not much. Wait until you fall in love, lose that someone, and have a friend who's just as broken up as you because of your loss.

Guaranteed you'll come back and watch this scene in a different light.

I don't know why school teachers think it's a good idea to show this film to a class full of dumb-ass kids who have the morals of a sociopathic army. I guess your teachers forget what it was like being stuck in a class full of developing humans who really don't care about anything.

Or, try this. Watch it with your parents when you're 21 or older. See if you laugh like you did as a child. You might laugh and think, as a kid I thought this scene was so FUNNY! And because you're with your parents you might have some childish reaction.

But then watch it alone. Think of that special boy or girl you had a crush on. And think about never seeing them again. Then think of Penelope from Odysseus.


Blueghost, I respect your words, however:

The Odyssey of 1997 is such a ridiculous excuse for a film that one cannot help but believe this was the director's intention. I don't see why one shouldn't be allowed to laugh at any of the scenes that constitute this film. There are plenty of other adaptions of the Odyssey out there for those who want a true, realistic and heart-wrenching depiction. Why so serious about this tacky, childish one?

Even the funniest of jokes can be made grim by a grueling life experience. That doesn't mean that everyone who finds it funny has had an inadequate or uneventful life, on the contrary. What makes one person laugh, makes another person cry.


Because there isn't anything childish about this one. It's a little light here and there, but I think technically it's much improved over the one I grew up with starring Kirk Douglas.

There's a lot of subtleness in this film that you normally don't see in a made for TV movie. And the usual hugely expensive sets that were created for all the Greek and Roman epics from the 40s, 50s and 60s are missing. When you see Penelope, a queen, she's there crushing olives for the oil, and living in an authentic classic era Greek home. It's not a sugar coated film.

There's a lot of fatalistic outlooks that simply pass over immature minds.



Well, you gotta know it's just kids being kids.


I agree on that.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
