Ling's personality

I am currently watching the series on Netflix and I am on the beginning half S2. I love Lucy's character Ling she is so funny and confident so far. I wanted to know if there were any personality traits I could take from that character and use in my own everyday life.

Not to say that I want to do a complete 180 from who I act as a person, but I would like to learn how to "Be/act like her" (for a lack of a better term) Any little small changes or suggestions I could work on and achieve overtime would be most helpful:)


Ling is one of my favorite characters and I love Lucy Liu in her other roles, but I wouldn't recommend adopting any of her personality traits. It makes for good TV, but in real life people will be put off and really dislike and avoid you or walk around on eggshells in your presence (if you're an important person) if you act like Ling does. One of my favorite moments is when Ling is looking out the window saying something snarky and Georgia asks her "Does anything nice ever come out of your mouth?" She turns (with a whoosh sound effect) and gives her a look that causes everyone in the room to flinch. She wasn't all bad, but generally not a nice person.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Ling is my favorite as well, but in real life I would not emulate her.


Ling was a good person but didn't like to show it, I think she saw it as a sign of weakness. She had a love/hate relationship with Ally and they were a good contrast to each other. I also love how she had her own theme music whenever she walked into a room. Of course, it had to be the Wicked Witch of the West's theme from The Wizard of Oz, lol.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


I respect people like that, but keep a distance.


The character was probably an assertive ISTP type.
