Had Brandon Lee lived...

do you think he would have come back for the Crow sequel?

"What's Twilight?" - Stephen Moyer


He was signed on for it. He actually had 2 Crow sequels (I believe) in his contract. Even if he lived though it would have (imho) been better to have different stories. Eric Draven has/had nothing left to avenge.


As much as I love Brandon lee and wish he didn't get killed, I think the idea of telling other Crow stories is better then having him come back. The only way I think he could of come back is to avenge the death of Sarah when she was older but that would be a stretch. The series I felt was a little too watered down for the Crow.

A man can change his stars


Yes, they did plan sequels with eric draven, that's why eric promiced sarah that he would return. Maybe we will see that in the reboot



It would have been awesome if he was alive and had a cameo in part 2.


Indeed. I can see that happening even with the current story as I can see how he might have had to come back to help her out.

Anybody want a peanut ?

- Fezzik, " The Princess Bride " ( 1987 )


Here's a interview with Brandon Lee on the set of The Crow:

He's asked about the possibility of sequels at the 4:40 mark. Brandon emphasizes that what happens to his character in The Crow is a very self-contained story just like in the graphic novel that it's based on.


It would've been cool to see a film 15 years later and he is more zombieish. Maybe resurrected to fix someone else's problem.


I read that the original plan or idea was to have Eric Draven decide to forget about the whole revenge thing and just stay around to be a father figure to Sarah. But Brandon Lee died before they could film an important scene in which he's told about the consequences of abandoning his mission.

It's explained in better detail here:
