Greatest Films Ever Made

what are your picks for the greatest films ever made mine are:

mines kinda disturbing i hope someone else has more happy films in theirs...

1. Persona
2. Breaking the Waves
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. The Emerald Forest
5. Daisies
6. Koyaanisqatsi
7. Zerkalo
8. Performance
9. Lilya 4-ever
10. A Hole in My Heart



1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Ikiru
3. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
4. Citizen Kane
5. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
6. Aguirre, the Wrath of God
7. The Searchers
8. Assault on Precinct 13
9. Breaking the Waves
10. Night of the Living Dead


Whatever's up there, Breaking the Waves has to be. A truly genius film.

"The task of art today is to bring chaos into order." - Theodor Adorno


1. Vertigo
2. Santa Sangre
3. 12 Angry Men
4. Jacob's Ladder
5. The Seventh Seal
6. The Hustler
7. Psycho
8. El Topo
9. 2001 A Space Oddyssey
10. A Clockwork Orange
11. You, the Living
12. Breaking the Waves

Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else


I'd just like to add that, if anyone is interested in seeing some great films that influenced this one, I'd recommend:

The Passion of Joan of Arc by Dreyer
Diary of a Country Priest by Bresson
and the works of Douglas Sirk.

~There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.~


Any Joan of Arc movie made after "The Passion of Joan of Arc" is a waste of time.


1. Amadeus
2. Dogville
3. Oldboy
4. Breaking the Waves
5. Zodiac
6. Idioterne
7. River's Edge
8. Mulholland Dr.
9. Lars and the Real Girl
10. The Royal Tenenbaums


In no particular order:

Donnie Darko
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Tree Of Life
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
The Snowman
A Clockwork Orange
Inland Empire

Those films above all others take the medium of cinema the furthest it's ever been, and I hope that future filmmakers continue to expand what cinema is and can be.


1. Citizen Kane
2. Godfather
3. Gone With The Wind
4. Porky's
5. Deep Throat
6. Vertigo
7. Good Will Hunting
8. 12 Angry Men
9. Revenge Of The Nerds
10. The Matrix


No particular order:
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Professional
Breaking the Waves
American Beauty
Doctor Zhivago
Sound of Music
Schindler's List
Love Actually
There's Something About Mary
Year Without a Santa Claus
Silence of the Lambs
Pretty in Pink
Crazy Stupid Love
All Abbott and Costello Movies
Happy Gilmore
Anything and everything with Cary Grant
