MovieChat Forums > The Arrival (1996) Discussion > If you can't tend to your on planet

If you can't tend to your on planet

None of you deserve to live here. That was a creepy line and an underrated film. The truth is out there.


Indeed it is.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.



This movie is based on 'the greenhouse eff..'.. oh, sorry, I mean 'the global warming'.

Of course when the facts did not support the 'warming' theory, these agenda people changed the terminology again, to 'climate change'. Nice, vague term this time, so they don't have to backtrack, no matter -how- the 'climate' changes.

Does anyone remember when they were still talking about 'greenhouse effect'? Seems ridiculous now, but back then, it seemed to be a definite possibility.

Anyway, this is an 'agenda movie' the same way that Godzilla was really about nuclear weapons.

The Earth hasn't really warmed at all since 1996 or even the eighties, when they talked about the 'greenhouse effect'. Sure, some places are humid, but the places that weren't humid then, still not aren't humid (I know from personal experience).

So neither greenhouse effect nor global warming happened. Anyone that believes in these agendas and often-touted-statements, like 'climate change', is just a non-thinking, non-researching automaton that shouldn't have the right to use a computer.

Obviously the climate of every planet changes, planets are 'alive' (in their own way), and everything moves and fluctuates in the universe. Of course everything changes, including climate. There have been ice ages and magnetic pole shifts, calamities like exploding planets and moons that caused their own effects - so if the overall temperature of a planet fluctuates slightly, that just means things are normal.

It's the most intellectually dishonest stuff to hear 'well, global warming really means that it gets colder', etc..

The stupidest thing that no one clearly ever thought about, is the idea that if the floating ice in the ocean melts, then we get huge floods. Did no one ever have icecubes with their drink? When the icecube melts, the amount of liquid in the glass does not increase, it just changes form. The level of the liquid remains the same, as the ice displaces its weight in liquid.



Based on the fact some of them claim men can get pregnant, I would be willing to believe without a shadow of a doubt they are too knuckleheaded to notice such a homely phenomenon.

