Thanksgiving Episodes

What's your favorite Thanksgiving episode from favorite to least favorite? Here's mine :)

1. The Bird

2. No Fat

3. Turkey or Fish

4. Debra's Parents

5. Fighting In-Laws

6. Marie's Vision

7. Older Women

8. No Thanks


IMO, all the Thanksgiving episodes were inspired - can't pin a favorite down although the sight of Pat wringing that bird's neck always makes me laugh out loud.


I agree that they are all great in their own way and they didn't follow the same formula in each episode.

I loved in "The Bird" how the Barones had such a fit over a dead bird yet couldn't wait to chow down on a dead bird.

The looks on their faces when they tasted the Tofu Turkey is great.


i caught the second half of the bird one this morning - it took me a while to work out what they were yelling about , and when i did it seemed silly given the bird in the oven
