worst movie EVER

does anybody agree that this is the worst movie EVER? i mean, it's so stupid! really. vines really catch on fire THAT fast.

so dumb.


It's not so much that it's stupid (and it is), it's the opportunity they wasted.
Wonderful cast: Aitana, Debra Messing, Giancarlo Gianinni, Anthony Quinn (and then, unfortunately there's Keanu, who should have a job somewhere wearing a paper hat and selling French fries, instead of masquerading as an actor). Breath-takingly beautiful setting...

and a hopelessly dopey script.

Too bad they didn't have one that played up the Magic Realism a bit more. (And saved Keanu a bus trip and gave the part to someone else)


Maybe the flapping wings scene and the grape crushing scene saved it from being the worst movie ever. Unfortunately, it seems to be a formula film where you know the complete action and ending as the movie starts.I saw it because of the wonderful cast, but they seemed to be only walking through the last dress rehearsal rather than creating magic, surprises and unforgetable scenes.


I disagree. The film seems to me to be made, as is Like Water for Chocolate, from the magical -- a type of surreal license with which many a Mexican legend is forged. It's family history as morality play, an emotionally authentic if embroidered story of the family's transition and survival. Breathtaking cinematography aside, I also enjoyed the way the family members were portrayed. In contrast to the myth of indolence in Hispanics, this family is industrious and success-oriented, with the new generation attending first-rate universities. That is the other reality which most other films ignore. Only the ending disappoints. The rest of this film (excepting Keanu Reeves' mediocre performance) is pure magic.


Yes, that fire was really offputting. If you say it's magic realism, then there should have been magic from the start, not just at this one moment at the end. It's not really magic realism. It's a director wanting the special effects team to make a big splash of an ending.


- LauraLou030 on Sun Oct 29 2006 16:38:07
does anybody agree that this is the worst movie EVER? i mean, it's so stupid! really. vines really catch on fire THAT fast.

so dumb.

No I do not agree at all.

There hundreds of movies out there that are far far worse.


please list all the movies that are worse...


It's one of my favourites and I really don't understand you. What's there to dislike??? And yes, vines really catch on fire that fast.


i have to disagree..i LOVE this movie, its not over rated like titanic or the notebook (even though they are great films too). this one was sweet and charming..i almost couldnt waait for the ending for them to finally be "togther" yet i didnt want the movie to end.

"It's probably just a serial killer or something."


I disagree. I thought this movie was great! The rate at which the fire spread throughout the vineyard was definitely a bit overdone, but we all know Hollywood does get excessive at times. I thought the rest was primo.

Anthony Quinn was great, as he always was.

Giancarlo Giannini was great. I've always liked this actor. He is very good.

Aitana Sánchez-Gijón was great. She's a beautiful actress as well.

I thought Keanu Reeves did a nice job as well. I'm sure he enjoyed working with the great Anthony Quinn.

Let's not forget Freddy Rodríguez. He was great as Pedro.

The casting department did a great job selecting Aitana Sánchez-Gijón and Angélica Aragón as daughter and mother. The resemblance was just fantastic. So believable.


When she's teaching him to flap his arms to ward off the frost in the vineyard, she actually has to say him, "Up...and down. Up...and down." It was at this unfortunate point in the film where I was incredulous to the fact that anything which followed was going to have the slightest bit of merit.

Awful awful awful.


You miss the purpose. You assume Victoria needs to tell Paul, "Up...and down. Up...and down", because he's too stupid to see what she's doing. No, she isn't instructing him on how to move the "butterfly wings" up and down. What Victoria is trying to impart is the rhythm, that is, not too fast, not too slow. Rather for everyone to "move" the air not flailing away trying to create hurricane force winds. And as a male, for this female instructor speaking instructions to me with the voice she imparted, she would have had my undivided attention and what her message was and meant. The most important function of a teacher is their ability to communicate and keep the student's interest in the subject being taught; in this skill Victoria gets an A+...she had Paul's attention and had I been lucky enough to had been in his place, she too would have had mine. Apparently your attention wasn't so rapt and completely missed the teacher's intent...rhythm!


No it was more about attraction - like the butterfly who attracts its mate with vibrant colours - notice the zooming in on her silky nightdress as she wafts the wings - all part of the dance of romance.

I wouldnt say its a terrible movie but Keanu is not a great actor lets be honest and some of his lines ohhhh so wooden.

Definitely a ladies movie or for the gay boys!
Or indeed your metro sexual male whatever that is!


The scene of the vinyard catching fire slowly then becoming an inferno is not unlikely or unreal. Apparently those who are obsessed of such a fire spreading as quickly as portrayed is unreal are living in another world. This occurrence in not rare; indeed it happens most often. I've seen fires spread so quickly one would think gas was being poured directly in the path of the fire. In fact a dry vinyard fire would spread more quickly than a raging forest fire because the plants are smaller and are consumed must faster, but it is not unusual for a forest fire to spread so quickly that a calm day is turned into a near hurricane force wind...yes, the fire itself burning so fast that it creates a wind of 70-120 mph within the area of the fire causing it to gain even greater speed as it spreads to anything in its path. So it's not the film that is showing unreality but you living in unreality. It is your lack of knowledge that is in error and thus do not appreciate or recognize the factuality.

As to "butterfly" this too in those days was not ignorance of theirs but you the critic. Orchardists use the same methods of smudgepots (that's what they were using to create heat) then fanning the air to move the warmer air to protect the trees, and the fruit if at bearing time. Trees, being somewhat larger than grape plants, require even greater movement of air. But in the earlier years any method to move the air is the more important factor. Indeed, orchardists will call in planes or helicopters to fly over the orchards to stir the air to prevent freezing of the plants and/or the crop that may be upon the trees. So, for grape growers to use "butterfly" to move the air is not farfetched. In fact, when crops such as cherries that can be ruined if rain falls at the wrong time during the ripening process cherry growers will use planes or helicopters to stir the air in an attempt to dry the fruit. If you've ever been in fruit growing areas you will notice large windmills that are used, and most are set for automatic operation, when the temperature reaches that point causing concern for freezing trees and/or the fruit. These windmills move the air thereby lessening the damage from freezing or rain.

As for the already known conclusion of the story being known from the first lines of the script here's what would have fooled you: Paul is a purist, and upon meeting this slut who,as a student, has been impregnated by her teacher, drives him to cut her guts out to assure Victoria never bears this bastard child, then because of his firm belief these wetbacks are menace to society uses his military training to kill all by rifle, machine gun, and a flame thrower to wipe out all family members and workers and burns all buildings to the ground. Would you have figured out that ending from the first spoken words?


Anthony Quinn was great, as he always was.
I thought Keanu Reeves did a nice job as well. I'm sure he enjoyed working with the great Anthony Quinn.
I kept thinking -- during their scenes together -- whether the legendary Quinn was wondering how he got cast against an actor so unskilled.....

"go to bed and watch the rest in the morning!" my wife as I begin to snore


You've clearly never seen Ishtar. Walk in the Clouds is Oscar worthy compared to that. It's just a pretty movie...some things you just have to take at face value and not look for depth...or factual content.



You apparently are too thick to grasp the moral of the movie. Idiot.


Idiot? Lol i wouldn't go that far calling him an idiot, the OP is not a romantic person. that i can see, probably he/she likes Dumb And Dumber better. To me this movie is way better than the much-hyped Casablanca.I got both movies almost at the same time 12 years ago and I saw A Walk In The Clouds four times as much as I have seen Casablanca. Aitana was so sexy and Keanu's performance was above average by "Keanu Standard".


I really liked this movie...up until the ending scene. After the fire I immediately thought of the family root, but never expected Keanu to run and with all his might pull the root from the ground with the bad music leading up to it. I just think the script at that point was so bad that no actor least keanu could make it look realistic. I would watch this movie again minus the ending.

I have a drinkin problem? Ur a f-ing mormon! Next to you we all have a drinking problem!


wait "Keanu Standard" ha, like a litmus test. Keanu is one of the best ever!


You are astute, sir, in your observation that this is a horrible movie. In response, however, to your claim that it is the worst ever, allow me to submit Exhibit A: an unwatchable celluloid turd known as August Rush. I defy you to watch that movie in its entirety and then return here to defend your claim. For that matter, I defy you to watch that movie in its entirety, period.


Ok, so the movie isn't exactly Shawshank Redemption or Citizen Kane. But the worst movie ever made - what a ridiculous thing to say. The settings,colours and cinematography alone, put this film head and shoulders above a million others. And Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, what a babe, the film's worth watching just to gaze at her.


Jarre's score alone makes this film anything but the worst movie ever. Beautiful.


to the OP: dumbest. post. EVER.

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