MovieChat Forums > Toy Story (1995) Discussion > Signs you can tell this came out in 1995

Signs you can tell this came out in 1995

Other than that animation is a little dated I think the original Toy Story holds up pretty well for something that came out 20 years ago. If you can ignore the fact that there are no cell phones or laptops or anything it could easily pass as something being made today.


I think it's the Pixar movie that holds up the best, and surprisingly the much simpler animation.


The SNES in the livingroom in the background - it reappears in the 1999 movie too.

"If my fate is to die, I must simply Laugh." - Magus, Chrono Trigger (1995)


The fact that kids are playing with toys! Not ipads, not smartphones, not laptops, not anything like that. Still using their imagination. Oooooooh!👽

To infinity and beyond!


Like when I see Back to the Future and how they thought2015 was going to be like! Lol. Totally off subject i know.

The only thing I hate about now a days, like really hate, is that you cant even die in peace even though its in public bc someone is there filiming it. My mother got into a real bad car accident, they thought her and her friend died. Luckily they weren't even scratched. Anywhoooooo, she said people were stopping getting out and filming the whole thing, even though the cops were telling them to go the *beep* away. She said it was so embarrassing and it made her quite angry.

Probably posting it online saying, "thank God no one was hurt in this bad accident, but I'M GLAD to be alive now, bla, blah blah, me me me! Sorry just venting!

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.


Unless I'm misremembering how many cell phones or laptops were in Up? I don't think lack of technology indicates dated. I don't think most Pixar movies in times past 2000 highlight technology. The lack of those things makes it less dated than seeing flip phones or old laptop designs.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


You mention the only 2 things that I bet I could think of


Something I am surprised nobody mentioned in this thread from imdb is that the Toolbox Buzz accidentally ends up knocking on top of Woody says Binford on it. A reference to Tim Allen's show Home Improvement at the time. A show that's been off the air for 20 years. I know it might not be the most noticeable thing but if one catches it and knows the show it came from, it does date the movie a bit.


"holds up pretty well for something that came out 20 years ago"

Oh my God!!! TWENTY years ago!!!

There are many movies that came out more than eighty years ago that hold up remarkably well. The world of cinema actually pre-dates the 1990s.


That Mr. spell toy screams 90s to be. You don't see those anymore as they were replaced by iPads. Lol


I had an original Texas Instruments Speak'n'Spell back in the 1980s, the version with the plastic buttons that broke loose after a while, and it was fun learning to spell on that! I also had the maths version, the Speak'n'Math, but that didn't last long before I accidentally fried it by plugging the AC adaptor into the earphone socket.

Great machines both, I was always fascinated by the text display and the voice synthesis, although now I think it was just samples.
