Favorite Quotes

I LOVED this movies and I thought Patrick and John were funny but I thought Wesley had the best quotes! Here are some of my favs:

Vida: [To Chi Chi]"Why are you crying?"
Noxeema: "Maybe she just found out Menudo broke up."

Noxeema: [To Vida]"I'm not going upstairs with you. I ain't drivin' you no more, Miss Daisy!"

Noxeema: [To Chi Chi]"You look like the Miami Sound Machine just exploded all over you!"

Noxeema: "Look at her like she's runnin' cross the border"

Noxeema: "Honey I'm just trying to give you back your picture, I didn't want it to get dirty.....Oh no girlfriend did you just do a U-ie?"

Chi Chi: "If someone gave me back my princess points I'd do the hitchhiking thing and get us a ride.
Noxeema: "How are you gonna hitckhike if there are no cars stupid?!"

"Homer: Come on Sharky. Call yourself the king of the jungle?"


Chi Chi: Well, you don't know me very well,do you, Creepela? I am the Latina Marylin monroe, I've got more legs than a bucket of Chicken! Pendeja! Come Mierda!

Gotta love Chi-Chi.


I got a million dream lovers for every light on Broadway. When one of them goes out I just screw in another one, you know, hello good bye.

That whole scene with Chi Chi and Robin Williams is hilarious.

Aloha maku maku. Kahlui Ama Tutu. Don Ho will not emerge from the Valley of Darkness.


noxeema-when a man is a woman trapped in a mans body and has that little operation he is a transexual,when a man puts on a dress to get his sexual kicks he is a transvestite and when one man has waaaaaay too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen,but when a tired little latin boy puts on a dress he is simply a boy in a dress.

Veda-(to sherrif dollard) GET YOUR HAND OF MY DICK BUDDY!!! (it still makes me howl)

chi-chi- P to the R to the N to the CESS princess chi-chi

noxeema-o0o0o jane mansfeild not a good auto reference

there are lods but there all to great to ruin wthout watching the movie


Noxzema (after she is done giving Tommy a "lesson in manners"): You've just got to know how to talk to people.


Chi Chi to Tommy : If I was your bread will you be my butter?


"Do you ever like, NOT cry in this room?"

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes



Yeah, I'm Mexican and normally would find that Menudo comment very offense, but I find it hilarious everytime I hear it. The comment about running for the border cracks me up too.


Oh there are so many but my favorites:

Chi Chi: Well talk to the man Vida - you speak H o n k y!

Vida: (To Chi-Chi) I am hearby stripping you of all your Princess Points (Makes Hand Motions)
Noxeema: OOOOH That's Voo Doo!

Vida: Hon - do you like not EVER cry in this room?

Chi-Chi: (To Carol-Ann) Mami, there's something you need to know about Vida
Noxeema: Uhh..Vida works out!
Chi-chi: A LOT!

Carol-Ann: Sometimes I think we should just get rid of all the men
Noxeema: Ooh no - you just post-traumatic battery



Miss Vida while watching Sheriff Dollard approach the car: "Oh, what in gay hell?"

Chi-Chi to Bobby Lee: "Ok, I gotta go. I got cramps."

And sheriff's Places Where Homosexuals Go list kills me every time! Flower shops and ballet school, fantastic.

I adore this movie. I absolutely, positively adore this movie.


"...try to describe her and NOT use the word 'statuesque'"

Vida speaking of Julie Newmarr


Noxeema and Chi Chi had the best lines, but Vida had a few good ones.

Chi Chi: I didn't ask to come on this trip, did I? No, I don't think so! Did I ask you to be making me over and jump all kinds of hoops like some circus poodle? No, I don't think so! Do I want to go to jail because of some cop killer? No, I don't think so! So as soon as we get to the next town I am jumping on the first man and riding him all the way to New York City and away from you two puckered up, stuck up putas 'cause this trip sucks! It sucks!

Noxeema: Little latin boy in drag, why are you crying?
Chi-Chi: It's just cause the two of you are so pretty, you know. You're so pretty.
Vida: Yes, of course we're pretty, but why are you crying?
Noxeema: Maybe she just found out Menudo broke up.

Chi-Chi: How do I look?
Noxeema: Like the Miami Sound Machine just exploded all over you!

Vida: (To Chi-Chi) I am hearby stripping you of all your Princess Points (Makes Hand Motions)
Noxeema: OOOOH That's Voo Doo!

Chi-Chi: [to the roughnecks] If I was your bread, would you be my butter?

Chi-Chi: I think maybe he's prejudice-said.
Noxeema: I'll bet you were the brightest in your class, weren't you?

Vida: I declare.
Bobby Lee: I declare.
Carol Ann: *I* declare.
Noxeema: I decline.

Vida: Hun, do you like, ever, not cry in this room?

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough



Noxeema: This is unbecoming of a lady!

(somethin like that while Vida is driving away from her parents home lol)


"How we gonna where we going okay?"

"I can live with that. P to R to N to the CESS"

"Well you know Princesses are cuter(prettier) than Queens"

"Thats how you pick up a lady"

"Come guys, I got us a ride to Spydersville"

All Chichi's words! LMAO



Me too...shes crazy


ChiChi: "...And I promise to find a foundation a little closer to my natural skin tone."

LMAO. In my mind I want to believe this wasn't in the script and John was adlibbing.


Sheriff Dollard going on about men having sex while he's sitting at the bar. That whole moment with him thinking out loud, and him getting emotional always kills me.
Noxeema: The last person to stay in this room, Sam Cooke.
Vida: What in gay hell?
Noxeema: I hope she leaves me those albums in her will.
Noxeema: You were the smartest in your class weren't you?


The scene when Sherrif Dollard is on the ground...

Vida: Should we blow?

Noxeema: Yes! Two words! Buh-low! Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi!

Just the way Noxeema says Chi-Chi. Kills me everytime I hear it...
