MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > POWDER IS ANTI-CHRIST


I have for a long time believed that the Anti-Christ will be someone like "Powder"! Let me explain! Scientist say most people only use 10 to 20 percent of their brain capabilities! I have always felt artists whether they be musicians, savants, mathematicians, painters, mechanics... whatever, anyone who is brilliant in their field are able to tap into the other 80 to 90 percent of their brain's capabilities! I also believe that things like ESP, Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic abilities, and many other so called "Paranormal Phenomenon " are a result of once again being able to tap into that "hidden" area of their brain! I believe that we ALL might be able to do this under the right circumstances. Getting back to the Anti-Christ... I believe someone will be born that is able to tap into a large portion of their brain's capabilities! History and genetics show this to be true! That it IS just a matter of time! This person will not only be a genius in EVERYTHING they do, but be able to read minds, move objects with their minds, speak any language, heal with their minds, on and on an on! Their capabilities will seem endless! In other words, they will be conceived as a God! Or as Jesus Christ incarnate, returned to the earth! This is just one humble human's theory!


My, my – surfin_n_draggin, I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but on the evidence here, it looks like perhaps your ‘draggin’ habit has crippled or destroyed your BS detector.

“I have for a long time believed that the Anti-Christ will be someone like "Powder"!”
The “Anti-Christ” is a fictional character in a Middle Eastern bronze age book of ancient history and myths. Your opening sentence has as much validity as saying “I have for a long time believed that Osiris will be someone like "Powder"!”.

“Scientist say most people only use 10 to 20 percent of their brain capabilities!”
No, that’s what ignorant rumour spreaders say: --> Science --> Statistics --> The Ten-Percent Myth

“I also believe that things like ESP, Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic abilities, and many other so called "Paranormal Phenomenon " are a result of once again being able to tap into that "hidden" area of their brain!”
ALL rigourously debunked over and over again, over many decades; eg:
» ESP –
» Astral Projection –
» Telekinesis – nesis-debunked.html
» Psychic abilities –

• Christopher, Milbourne. “ESP, Seers & Psychics: What the Occult Really Is”. (New York: Crowell, 1970)
» 268157

• Randi, James. “Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions”. (Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books,1982), especially chapter 13, "Put Up or Shut Up," where he gives accounts of tests done on several psychics who have tried to collect the $10,000 Randi used to offer to anyone who can demonstrate any psychic power. So far, no one has collected, even though the offer is now $1,000,000!
» 879751983

“Getting back to the Anti-Christ... I believe someone will be born that is able to tap into a large portion of their brain's capabilities! History and genetics show this to be true! That it IS just a matter of time! This person will not only be a genius in EVERYTHING they do, but be able to read minds, move objects with their minds, speak any language, heal with their minds, on and on an on! Their capabilities will seem endless! In other words, they will be conceived as a God! Or as Jesus Christ incarnate, returned to the earth! This is just one humble human's theory!”
So... every sentence finishes with an exclamation mark “!”. Plus... a fictional character will be born with supernatural powers based on an urban legend, resembling another fictional character in a film – and both “History and genetics show this to be true!”. Do you ever get the feeling that some people’s grasp on what the rest of us agree is reality is somewhat tenuous at best?

The human brain is the most energy hungry organ in our bodies, and evolution is parsimonious – which is just yet another reason why it’s ludicrous to believe that our brains are 90% redundant wasteful tissue. What a shame that some folk choose fill theirs with faith in the veracity of other people’s fantasies.

“What religion is he of? Why, he is an Anythingarian.”
~ Jonathan Swift, from ‘Polite Conversation’, Dialogue I, 1738

“It's drowning all your old rationalism and scepticism, it's coming in like a sea; and the name of it is superstition.”
~ G. K. Chesterton, from ‘The Oracle of the Dog’, 1923

Still, I did enjoy watching ‘Powder’, as an impossible fable, and the messianic significance of the final scene framed the whole preceding narrative beautifully – occupying a similar space to David Bowie’s “Oh! You Pretty Things” of 1971:

“Oh! You Pretty Things
Don't you know you're driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Let me make it plain
You gotta make way for the Homo Superior”

It’s never easy for a community to assimilate somebody of extraordinary intellect, and superior morality, with superhuman abilities – and only a handful of the folks Powder encountered could cope with being around this Homo Superior, while retaining mutual respect and compassion. To paraphrase Don McLean, I could have told you, Powder, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you – and now I think I know what you tried to say to me, how you suffered for your sanity, how you tried to set them free, but they would not listen, and they're not listening still... perhaps they never will.



I've been trawling the IMDB message boards for years, and not once have I ever come across an answer that is so complete, and referenced too! I even sorted out my membership just so I could post a damn reply (never wanted to before, too many simple minded keyboard warriors spouting opinion like its Gospel!)

Well done man, that a point from me.


As Queen of the world, I give dalinian 10 million points and everyone else a big fat ZERO. Spidermanfan can have half a point and some mouldy toast for bringing dalinian's greatness to my attention, but I'm not made of money you know! Although my first born will be.

I write erotic novels for Children. They're WILDLY unpopular!


Scientists do not say we only use 10% of our brains that is a MYTH. We use our entire brain. Its possible 1/4 of the brain is only use for cognitive thought but the rest of the brain is controlling other things. We use the entire thing.






That's the problem with religion... its just so much fiction that people believe as a reality... nothing but fantasy stories. Just like your "humble human's theory".

This is just my humble human opinion.


Well, that's not scientifically accurate, but even if it were, why would that make someone like that the anti-christ?


so er... antichrist? isn't he supposed to be like evil or something?

