MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > POWDER IS ANTI-CHRIST


I have for a long time believed that the Anti-Christ will be someone like "Powder"! Let me explain! Scientist say most people only use 10 to 20 percent of their brain capabilities! I have always felt artists whether they be musicians, savants, mathematicians, painters, mechanics... whatever, anyone who is brilliant in their field are able to tap into the other 80 to 90 percent of their brain's capabilities! I also believe that things like ESP, Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic abilities, and many other so called "Paranormal Phenomenon " are a result of once again being able to tap into that "hidden" area of their brain! I believe that we ALL might be able to do this under the right circumstances. Getting back to the Anti-Christ... I believe someone will be born that is able to tap into a large portion of their brain's capabilities! History and genetics show this to be true! That it IS just a matter of time! This person will not only be a genius in EVERYTHING they do, but be able to read minds, move objects with their minds, speak any language, heal with their minds, on and on an on! Their capabilities will seem endless! In other words, they will be conceived as a God! Or as Jesus Christ incarnate, returned to the earth! This is just one humble human's theory!


If the average person uses 10% of their brain then I think u use much, much less then that. Say around 1.5%


Charlie Sheen probably uses around 95%


Your entire theory is based upon an old wives tale.

If we only used 10-20% of our brains we'd be dead. It's a ridiculous saying created by magical thinkers.
