MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > POWDER IS ANTI-CHRIST


I have for a long time believed that the Anti-Christ will be someone like "Powder"! Let me explain! Scientist say most people only use 10 to 20 percent of their brain capabilities! I have always felt artists whether they be musicians, savants, mathematicians, painters, mechanics... whatever, anyone who is brilliant in their field are able to tap into the other 80 to 90 percent of their brain's capabilities! I also believe that things like ESP, Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic abilities, and many other so called "Paranormal Phenomenon " are a result of once again being able to tap into that "hidden" area of their brain! I believe that we ALL might be able to do this under the right circumstances. Getting back to the Anti-Christ... I believe someone will be born that is able to tap into a large portion of their brain's capabilities! History and genetics show this to be true! That it IS just a matter of time! This person will not only be a genius in EVERYTHING they do, but be able to read minds, move objects with their minds, speak any language, heal with their minds, on and on an on! Their capabilities will seem endless! In other words, they will be conceived as a God! Or as Jesus Christ incarnate, returned to the earth! This is just one humble human's theory!


The myth that people actually use 10% of their brain is false. Only 10% of brain cells can process and analyze information while the other 90% constitute support cells(conduction of electrical signals, providing nutrients, getting rid of wastes, etc etc). Therefore, in lehman's terms, 90% of the brain keeps the other 10% alive and working at the highest efficiency. There is no history or genetics that support anything you say. (Science is actually against you)


Higher brain functions and memories and other functions such as speech, visoion,lng-term memory and short term memory are all store in different parts of the brain.

So which it may be true that we only USE 10% of our brain it is a truer statement that we ONLY USE 10% of our brain at ONE TIME.

But it's possible throught the course of 1 minute that we probably use ALL of our brain to talk, move, smell, see, hear, and recall long ago memories and also trying to remember what you had for breakfast (short-term memory)

So like the poster before me it has been proven FALSE and just a MYTH that we ONLY use 10% of our brain.

Once again "We only use 10% at any given time" but rest assured that we use 100% of our Brain over a short amount of time.



at any given time we use 100% of our brains.

you simply do not understand how the brain functions.


I think what they really mean is we only use our brain at a 10% of its capabilities. In other words, we fully use all of our brain, but not its full potential.

Kinda like using a fast Core 2 Quad to do spreadsheets.


they wanted to see if that myth was true on mythbusters and they proved that the average person uses around 13 to 16% of there brain at one time. and the rest of there brain is completly inactive at that time.


All-mighty Zeus has the power to control lightning and could transform himself into beasts such as a bull and a majestic swan. He can shoot bolts of lightning through his fingers and his anger generates thunderstorms.
The anti-Christ is a chump compared to all-mighty Zeus. Even Apollo could wup him.


every post in this thread owned the first. ba da ba ba ba.

i'm lovin it.


No way is powder the anti christ... the antichrist speaks with a deep british accent.


I recall what a neurologist said about that 10% myth was something like: "About 10% of our neurons (brain cells) are firing at once. People have had 100% of their brains cells fire at once... it's called a stroke."


A lot of people are so hung up on 10% that they'll twist it any way they can to make it fit, but it doesn't. It's a myth that was disproved more than 100 years ago. It is an old wives tale that has been passed down from generation to generation even though modern science knows it's nonsense. If you don't believe me, type "ten percent brain" into Google and see what you get.

We use 100% of our brains 100% of the time. The only time a part of the brain shuts down completely... is if it dies. We may use certain parts more heavily at certain times (like a car, sometimes we go 75 mph and sometimes we cruise down the block at 20) but there is no shut off switch. For example, a recent study has shown that when we daydream, the higher functions of our brain are running in the background to solve our problems. That's why, when a person has an decision to make, they'll be told to sleep on it or to give it a few days. I don't know how many times I've had an issue and I've literally put it aside for a week without thinking about it... and then when I think about it again the answer pops into my mind as if it was completely obvious from the start.

I think people grossly underestimate the amount of processing power it takes to do the most basic human things. Did you know that even the most advanced super computers in the world cannot interpret visual information the way the human eye/brain does? Do you know how much difficulty they've had in creating a robot that can walk like a human does? We make hundreds of tiny balance adjustments every time we walk down the street. Even something as simple as "it looks like it will rain" is the result of the brain calculating the probability using all the data from previous days when the weather was similar. Of course, to us there's no pause at all, it comes instantaneously. What seems like intuition is actually our own personal super computer at work.

We don't need psychic powers, the human brain is extraordinary enough.

EDIT(to a guy who posted above): It's spelled "layman's terms", not "lehman's terms". The word "layman" comes from "laity" which means "common people"

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


I've read that there's actually about a 7 second delay between when your brain determines things such as this and when it arrives in consciousness. I'm just nit picking your "instantaneous" comment.


on mythbusters they have proved that we only use on a given time around 13 to 16 % of our brain at a time. never once do we use all of our brain at a time.


That depends on what you mean by "use". The brain is never shut off, if there's a part of the brain that IS shut off at any time then something has gone seriously wrong. Parts that aren't currently in use are generally idling in neutral or performing background functions like short term to long term memory transfer or the brain equivalent to defragmenting your harddrive. You can't separate the brain into "parts that are used" and "parts that aren't used", the entire brain is up and running at all times and every part gets used when the function it relates to is needed. Again, it's a myth that we only use certain parts of our brain while the rest just sits there completely unused as some sort of untapped resource. Every part of the brain has a purpose. It's all used for SOMETHING.

Oh and Mythbusters isn't exactly a valid source, you know?

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


I would hope to god that neurologist was not treating you and/or still has his medical license. A stroke is a burst or blocked blood vessal usually in the brain that inturrupts the blood supply to the brain. It has nothing to do with neurons firing.

"Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive."


You're right, I think he said seizure, my bad.


No that is not what a stoke is. Why not just Google it before making a fool out of yourself. At least you are in like company in this little group. The Antichrist?? We're still living in the dark ages.



No, a stroke is a ruptured or clogged blood vessel in the brain. A seizure is when too many neurons are firing erratically in the brain at once.


Man, this guy believes a LOT. No science, no facts, no evidence, nothing... just belief.... whatever he wants... anything at all.

Note the subject in all caps. Dead giveaway. Now go back to hunting yeti.


I think it's hilarious that you think that the anti-christ will be easy to spot because he's really smart.
Check this out.


Surfin', you crashed one too many waves: your brain is fried. Not only do you not get the concept of what an antichrist is actually supposed to be, you're a twit, too. Get over yourself and get back on your meds.


its not 10 to 20% the lowest amount is 13% to 16% at one time. no one uses more then that doing normal activities even doing extraoridinary activities. artist muscians and creative people use the same amount of there brain as other people


I only ues 10% f my brai to typ.


Dude the Antichrist will be LOVED BY ALL. and when the World is at Total peace with this 1 man running EVERYTHING, He will reveal his true self and Last days shall begin.

I dont believe all that Harry potter Bibilical crap. There is no antichrist never will be. We could genetically make one though if we wanted to.

Habataitara modorenai to itte
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora


How do totally insane people like you get by on a day to day basis? How can you possibly function in society? Do you live in a Group Home that has an internet connection?



Everyone should know that this movie was made with funds from the most powerful people, huge corporations and the ultra rich. These people as we all know belong to the illuminati, the masons, and the bilderbergers. It's a know fact that there's a secret society Of the five wealthiest people in the world, know as the Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers. They meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado known as... the Meadows. They work for the anti-Christ (duh) and they are harvesting a breed of albino super mutants who feed on human suffering... they are also fond of Tony Roma's. They can take over the world with these freaks and powder is the first model, they will clone him over and over and unleash them upon our unsuspecting society. Beware, you have been warned. Dun dun dun...


Just to clarify something. The popular image of the Anti-Christ is totally wrong

"Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the Antichrist." (2 John 1:7)

Or to put it simply, anyone who speaks against Christianity is AN Anti-Christ.

The difference between a debate and an argument is one is noble and one is idiotic. Chose wisely.


I'm the anti-christ? Good thing god doesn't exist or I'd be in big trouble.
