MovieChat Forums > Pocahontas (1995) Discussion > The Black Sheep of the Disney Renaissanc...

The Black Sheep of the Disney Renaissance

I mean, you had a bunch of talented animators working on a movie based on historical fiction and the only result is just a bland romance story that doesn't even have a focus on which tone to go for (for instance, adding animal sidekicks for comic relief that add little to nothing, a dark moment where a side character dies, etc.), characters that are one-dimensional, and musical lyrics that are hilariously stupid (still better than the music/lyrics for Disney's Wish though). That being said, it's not entirely godawful as it still does have beautiful animation, great voice work from everyone involved, and Colors of the Wind, while preachy in places, is a decent song.


Just wondering, MovieBooker94, what do you think of the ending?
