MovieChat Forums > The Net (1995) Discussion > Ways Angela could've proved her ID

Ways Angela could've proved her ID

Let me start by saying that I really like this movie. But the more I watch it, the more I think of holes in the plot.

For one thing, does anyone actually believe that NO ONE in the world could have vouched for Angela? Does she not go to the dentist? Or a doctor? Or a gynecologist? What about school records? Yearbooks? Obviously, this point would have ended the movie right there.

Anyone have any other ideas about ways Angela could have proved her identity?


Her mother has Alzheimer's but what about the staff at the nursing home? "Yea that's Ms. Bennett's daughter, comes in to visit her Mom once every week or two."


id be screwed, i havent been to a doctors or dentists in years...mine wouldnt know my face! and i think americans are the only ones with yearbooks so if it happened elsewhere in the world then thats no use...


there was no way she had the time for people to vouch for her. She would of died whilst trying to get someone to vouch for her, would might of worked, probably not.
This film is WAY before its time


This is exactly the problem. Bureaucracy and Procedure would kill her before anything else. 20 years into the Internet we still don't handle identity theft very well.


I think to be fair it's easy to critique this movie more now but back then things like ordering pizza online and what not were unheard of. So I think the movie worked a lot more in 95 or whenever it came out (god 95 I feel so old!!!). Most people didn't know what computers and the Internet were capable of back then so it was more believable to think they deleted every trace of her and what not. It still is pretty much impossible but you never know. Like the others said she would have been dead before she was able to prove anything.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.


Most tech/sci movies show life in an unrealistic light. It's part of what makes them entertaining - because in reality, science and technology are relatively boring to the average Joe. The Net is no exception. I happen to like it, and I'll watch it if it's on, but it's not one I go around telling everyone they have to see if they haven't already. If you read too much into a movie it loses its entertainment value. It's like nitpicking the unrealisticness of Tron.

As for the yearbook thing, meh. Angela and the Impostor (Marx) are similar enough in features (height, build, hair/eyes, face geometry) that one could look at a 10 year old yearbook picture and say it could be either of them now. While some people do remain constant, most people's appearances do change over time.


well the problem was that she couldnt prove it in the immediate timeframe she needed. the police and with jack on her tail its not like anyone was going to oblige her to run around town looking for people who knew her.


She was in a constant shell-shocked mode, also every time she attempted to prove her identity she was chased. In 1995 people would believe a computer system over friends or old yearbooks and a conveniently empty house.


Yeah I wondered about that too. Even though she had no friends now but what about friends back in the day. She was clearly hot. I'm sure some people at her school knew her just because of that. Even if she was known to them as the "weirdo" or "nerd" or something.

No one goes through life not being known by anyone.

