MovieChat Forums > The Net (1995) Discussion > Ways Angela could've proved her ID

Ways Angela could've proved her ID

Let me start by saying that I really like this movie. But the more I watch it, the more I think of holes in the plot.

For one thing, does anyone actually believe that NO ONE in the world could have vouched for Angela? Does she not go to the dentist? Or a doctor? Or a gynecologist? What about school records? Yearbooks? Obviously, this point would have ended the movie right there.

Anyone have any other ideas about ways Angela could have proved her identity?



How about the home where her mother was? Surely they'd remember her from visiting all the time.


Anyone have any other ideas about ways Angela could have proved her identity?

Watching this movie again right now, the first thing I thought of was that she could have simply used the realtor's phone to call Alan, wait for him there, then he could vouch for her identity.

Case closed.


I was thinking that if she was so not into having friends, it was weird that she immediately trusted the guy she met on vacation.


Secret DNA test? Her mom was _____ Bennett, so if her DNA matched her mother's than she was obviously telling the truth ;)

I also caught the fact that her temporary visa had her correct address, but I think that's just a mistake they made.


good point, but DnA tests came out in the mid 90's. they were expensive tests. It was relatively new to talk about DNA tests.


It has been shown quite sufficiently that there are hundreds of ways for Angela to prove her identity, which is exactly why Devlin had to get her out of the way (and out of the immediate situation). He knew she would run if threatened, so he had the police try and arrest her. Later when they did, he sent in the (fake) FBI agent, Phillips, to fetch her...

The objective was to kill her before she could prove her identity.


You have to think that in this movie, the setting revolves in a different world. A world where there's no more hard copies, information are all in the computer and WWW.


What about the fedex delivery guys? They came to her house everyday. I usually have the same delivery guys all the time. Even if they were able to get rid of the fedex records, the drivers would still know her.

"That's something you'll never hear from me, Capt. Butler, as long as you live"


When I watched the movie I did sit and think about ways that she could prove she was who she said. The nursing home came to my mind but I will admit the doctor's and dental records didn't even cross my mind. Didn't she keep files or anything? Surely she must have an old driver's license or something with her name on it. Of course her whole house was emptied but still. Furthermore she couldn't have been more than 30 so SOMEBODY in her school alumni would have had to remember her, they can't wipe you out that sufficiently. But I also contend to this, either way it made a good movie that makes you think and I've thought a lot about that. If she's ever been to the dentist once they would have probably taken x-rays, every dentist I've ever been to demands x-rays and that was how they used to ID people that were severely burned or decomposed, through dental records. Probably still do. Somebody would have had to recognize her and vouch for her. Makes you think about the intelligence of being basically a hermit doesn't it?


I agree with what someone else said. Sure there's way's she could prove it, but when she's in her house, and the police records show all these oustanding charges against her, of course they would arrest her right there. That's why Devlin wanted to kill her, arrest her to shut her up and get the disk, then kill her before she can get yearbooks and so on. She would have trouble doing that from jail.

Also to the other person that said it was impossible to connect to all these systems back then because not everyone used the internet, I think what they were implying was that all these government agencies were using the Gatekeeper software to protect them. It of course had a back door, that's why they could connect to the FBI, police, and any system they wanted, because the software they developed let them in. They weren't just randomly connecting to a machine over the internet.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.


Then again he might not remember her.

I thought she must've knew the nurses at her mom's hospital.


It's very simple, actually. She should have just let herself get arrested when in her house. All she would have to do is having the police look into her arrest "record". If those felonies had actually happened, there would be reports (hand written) on the incident, court documents, etc. They police would quickly realize they were bogus charges when there are no traces of the crime. A fabricated police record in the computer system would be a pretty damned good bit of evidence of someone's identity being stolen/manipulated.


What if the criminals were smart enough to fabricate handwritten documents after Angela was arrested?


Well what I always thought was, she stayed in a hotel at the resort she was at right? Well last time I checked you need ID to get a room. So the hotel could easily vouch that she was who she said she was since they'd seen her ID and possibly even made a copy of it. And more than likely she paid with a credit card. So again, the hotel could show proof she is who she says she is.


I thought the hotel in Mexico was so stupid (or had so many staff members who worked there) they couldn't find Angela or any trace of her in the computer except that she checked out.


Just watched this movie again yesterday and was thinking about her visa. The whole thing could have fallen apart right there. The visa says Ruth Marx lives at that address. This was according to the California Motor Vehicles blah de blah blah or what ever it was that ID'd her in Mexico. Yet the police record has no known address. Either she's Ruth Marx and this is her house, get the heck out, or she's not Ruth Marx and must be someone else.

"Plan? There ain't no plan!" - Pigkiller


leengee, According to the police computers and DMV photo, she is Ruth Marx. However, anybody can list your address as whatever you want when you get your drivers license. I could go to the DMV and say I live at any address, since they do not ask for the deed and mortgage paperwork when getting a driver's license. DMV records are no proof whatsoever that you own a particular house.


What about the nosy neighbor ?? She kept watching her the day she was receiving the fedex. I know she doesn't go out a lot, but in 4 years, the neighbor never got to see her ?? At all ?? How stupid do they think we are ?

I loved this movie and I think that Sandra Bullock did an excellent job portraying the young girl who sees her life suddenly disappear ! You couldn't help but feel and fear for her...


"Mess with the best, die like the rest..."
