Not a bad movie. Hear me out.

Way better than part 6, which was crap. I liked this movie.
It was decent story telling. I liked the way they connected parts 4 though 7. I don't think this movie was meant to be scary at all. Some filler, but IMO it was just for entertainment nothing more. The only thing I didn't like was the crappy CGI werewolf transformation which was pretty bad. Your thoughts?


No man, this movie was quite terrible. It quite frankly is worse than the Howling 2, which is saying something.

"The knife makes reeeeeaaaally nice cuts, but don't be scared. You do love me right?"


I liked it, too. The country music was the best part and it is the only werewolf themed country music concert I know of. I thought of as the Grand Ole Opry with werewolves and because of that it was very fun.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


now that is a good POV on this movie


So you didn't like the werewolf but thought the rest of the movie was ok? You really like footage of people line dancing.
