MovieChat Forums > First Knight (1995) Discussion > Unintentionally hilarious!

Unintentionally hilarious!

Hi everyone,
Me and my friend Louise watched First Knight recently and were entertained no end by the hilarious acting and dialogue:

1.) Richard Gere's amusing cocky face-acting, trying to make himslef look as sultry as possible. While being as wooden as possible. check out the scene under the tree when he says "...sigh... I'm tired".

2.) In the scene where she is captured in the boat out of the castle, julia ormand looks like she is being pulled around like a harpsichod.

3.) Richard Gere launching himself at Julia Ormand and proceeding to eat her face!

4.) Sean connery's entrance into said scene, looking furious and then his eye disloves into a fire! Hilarious!!!!

5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

6.) Richard Gere galloping full pelt after the runaway horse and then the stable boy casually trotting very slowly after it!

7.) In the scene after Gere completes the assult course, and is offered ormand to kiss. someone in the crowd shouts "Go on, my son!!!!"

8.) Sean Connery shouting "fight!" and waving his sword around and his knights stare gormlessly about wondering what to do as the king is shot with 3 arrows!

There are many other hilarious scenes that i can mention, so feel free to add to this list. My friend and I agree we haven't laughed so much at a film before this much!


Yep it was pretty hilariously terrible. But I don't remember this scene

5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

That last part must been edited by the director no doubt.


Well he never actually said the "did I agree to do this film" part but he did go "why? why? whyyyyyyy?!" when he'd found Guinevere kissing mr. Smarmy Lancelot. Still he probably did wonder why he had done the film in real life. We thought it was funny 2 put that he went "why, why, why? did I agree to do this film!" LOL


I loved the part where Gere says cockily:
"Im not that easy to kill!"
Just the way he said it cracked me up!

*Well, yes and no. Yes, I did say it, and no, I didn't not say it.*


the sword fighting was harilous the bad guys sure dies easy


We're watching this movie in one of my classes and it is hilarious. Every love scene (which is like every other scene) is just so awkward. Especially when richard gere engulfed julia's face. i wasn't expecting that much!

some other funny moments:(or at least i found them funny)
Lancelot is in battle and they show a close up of him and it's in slow motion with his hair blowing in the wind and this determined look on his face.

When sean connery and julia ormand kiss i wanted to gag myself. i now have that horrible picture seared into my brain forever. (excuse me while i go throw up)

and to most of you, this probably won't be funny but when they kidnap julia and take her to malagant and he says " let me finish my fooood" the way he says food reminds me of napolean dynamite saying " tina, eat the food"

i can't wait to finish this thing tomorrow


The only thing I really let stick with me, other than Richard's always squinty face and fake hair, was the way he was "fighting" in the final battle. I sometimes pick up a stick and hunch over as I walk quickly forward, furiously waving the stick in front of me and ducking my head every once in a while. I always wish someone would add sword clanging sound effects as they did for Richard when he NEVER HITS ANYBODY, but alas. Also, the blood spilt when he *finally* cuts down Prince Malagant... is it just me or is that blood CGI/incredibly fake looking? Anyways, I thought the armor design was funny too.. and by funny I mean terrible and I hated it.


The only thing that really bugged me was towards the end when Arthur stands up and tells everyone to "fight," and then he gets arrowed like three or four times. Then, the knights and Guinevere get him out of there. I was like, "It's too late for that now! Where were you stupid knights earlier!"


I think about how things would be after. The King is dead and the 2 people he was charging with being a Traitor are together and are now running the show?? I seriousley doubt the people would be happy about that. Next movie: First Revolution.



This movie has to be one of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. The best part is that it's humor is so unintentional. Everything, from the cheesy music to the horrendous dialogue to the wooden acting, makes this a quality stinker. I'm also watching this is one of my classes and my class laughed the entire movie. In fact, my teacher actually paused the movie during one of the scenes to point out how ridiculous Gere was. (The scene in which Gere is in the woods and gets some water from a stream, lets it all dribble out of his hand but then pretends to drink from his hand before running his hand through his hair.)

My favorite parts (thus far, seeing as I get to finish the movie in class today) are when Gere convinces some guard to turn around Ormonde and the guard - a generic, stupid oaf - looks at her and says in the dumbest voice possible: "MMM... Pretty!"

Another classic scene is about five minutes after Gere saves Ormonde (and their meeting for the first time) and he basically confesses his undying love for her. This is how I remember the dialogue...

Ormonde: My manservant will give you your reward when you bring me back.
Gere: I don't want your reward. You know what I want.
Ormonde: I'm to be married!
Gere: But you're not married yet.
Ormonde: But I've given him my word.
Gere: I don't want your word. I want YOU!!!

We were falling out of our seats for that scene. Glad you all got a good laugh out of this film, too. :)


I had a good laugh about Richard Gere's bad hair dye, and how they so desperately tried to make him look young and dashing - like "hey he did Pretty Woman some years ago, he can still pull that trick!" *lol*

And the whole ménage à trois plot was funny, too. Tough decision, Guinivere!

Si j'avais les ailes d'un ange, je partirais pour Québec!


I came across this film again by accident the other day and was watching it with my sister (who took it all very seriously!) and I was actually nearly choking with silent laughter at the scene when Gere goes through the "Deadly" assult course.

This assult course of death comes complete with polysterine axe head things hanging on swinging sticks, together with some amazing looking swinging choppy contraptions designed to bring a sense of fear to the audience. All the audience gets is the smarmy faced git completing the assult course (when everybody else has been thrown off/chopped to bits etc) without even creasing his nicely pressed outfit or ruffling his stupid dyed mullet.

To finish this off, we then get a disgusting smarmy close up!


The way Gere yelled when he fell down the waterfall was hilarious. Even Ormand didn't make such noise!

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


"I trusted yewuw!!!"

I was at work last week and I started hearing a guy saying "Pretty" in a really sleazy way. Finally, I remembered it was from this film.

I was in high school when this came out. I liked it. I used it as part of a project. I got the great Jerry Goldsmith score and the movie on VHS. I have not seen the entire movie in a long time, same with the Costner Robin Hood.


Good thread.


I love this movie, and even with the huge differences from Arthurian Legend, I've always taken it quite seriously, but I don't think I'll ever be able to watch it again without laughing. You guys all make valid points, it is actually very corny. I especially agree with:
5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

It does seem as though he didn't give this film his all, so I agree he was thinking that.


I was watching this movie with my 6 year old son and during the scene with the obstacle course he goes "I thought they didn't have electricity back then?" And I was actually about to explain how a horse pulled forward whatever caused that thing to go, when I realised the horse would have to travel a very long distance, very quickly and I didn't see the room for that there anyway when I thought why bother, it's not possible. So I said, "Yah I'm not sure how they did that."



I was always under the impression that the horse was used to pull up a weight that would slowly be pulled towards the ground (gravitation) and in turn pulling on the rope that turns wheels and runs the whole contraption.

But then again, I haven't watched this movie in a while. I look forward to next time.


This was just on HBO last night, and I was watching it again...and laughing at all the same parts. Honestly, if they can sell this dreck to the public, then I can write a script myself. I should.

That kiss between Lancelot and Guinevere is hideous. I wonder if she broke any teeth on it? And they probably edited out the splashing saliva in the editing room.

ARTHUR IS TOO OLD!!! What the HELL! When she comes running in in the bedsheet (or whatever), and he sobs, "Thank you, God!" and kisses her, I throw up in my mouth a little.

Fight! Nevah shurrendah! (We are shaken, not shtirred!)

The great knights of Camelot sure don't seem like they know what they're doing. Hell, even Malagant's men are better fighters. I guess it's because they didn't have to wear blue spandex and silver posterboard. Who did the budget on this movie?

I cannot STAND Julia Ormond. She might have a pleasant speaking voice, but I do not find her attractive, and her hair always looks like a tangled skein of yarn that's stapled on her head. And why the hell must she have that terrified mouth-dropped-open expression in EVERY FREAKING MOVIE she is in? This one! Legends of the Fall! Sabrina! If she's so scared of the camera, she should get out from in front of it!

Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.


lol! I cant watch this film anymore without having hysterics!


HI Loas, this film just gets worse every time I see it. Especially Mr Smary Git-Face! ;) funniest part for me at the moment: (In a very strong Scottish accent "Why? Whyyy? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????!!!!!" did I agree to do this film?!) LMAO :)

"I kept biting myself with my teeth and when I went to bite people's necks I'd scratch everybody"


"welcome to my castle"

Er, no. It's clearly a mine that you're sitting in. Castles, on the whole tend to go up, not down.


I just so don't get it :(.. well, if I have to be honest when you mention it I do recall the moment when he flung his mouth onto her face and was attempting to.. eat her head or something. But it didn't bother me _that_ much and did't laugh about it, unless you count the smile on my face now when I think about it all :).. But weird things happen in real life too.. i've seen guys do much funnier things to a girl.


- The village alarm bells - actually more like two huge tin cans. and the guy was hitting it with a stick and it didn't make much noise.

- Malagant's sword looks like a bread knife.


How about the guy who breaks into the wedding pouring blood and unable to walk and says, "Forgive me, my queen, but Malagant has taken Leoness." Apologies! I'm carrying my own head!

That, and the annoying way that Julia Ormond holds her mout half open to appear distraught. She does the same thing in Legends of the Fall. It is simultaneously hilarious and annoying. I'd like to smack her.

Willow, this is war not agriculture.


I too took it quasi seriously when I first saw it but most movies are improved by commercials. I was also a very naive 11 at the time. Even then though I had a good laugh at it. Especially how everyone is in blue, whenever I watch it (family movie night, hard to bow out)and get bored I start counting how many blue pieces of set decor there are, I don't mind the music as much but I don't mind most soundtracks that much. #5 was the best on the list although Gere shouting 'NO!' and nearly going into hysterics after the "grand battle" while everyone from the town comes out nice and calm out of the church always gives a smile.

"Aren't the geraniums pretty Professor?" ~ Tracy Samantha Lord Haven


i'll admit, some parts of this movies were very cheesey... but i'm a sucker for a good love story. i liked the movie
