MovieChat Forums > The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Discussion > How was Jake supposed to join a murder?

How was Jake supposed to join a murder?

Jake was not part of a murder. He belonged in Shawshank.



I find it a rather far-fetched idea to think that the crow was in Shawshank as punishment for participation in a crime.


I think there is a joke in here somewhere. What the OP meant was would Jake join a "murder of crows" once he left the prison. I don't think any crime would be committed in this but I would check with Charley Day, just in case, since he is an expert on "bird-law."


He didn't do it. Lawyer F'ed him.


I worried about Jake being set free. Crows in the wild live in flocks (murders) and will probably attack a lone crow like Jake.


No question there. And they would probably kill him if he intruded their territory. Not well known but a murder of crows can kill a good sized owl or hawk.


Unfortunately a poor owl near me was attacked by crows. Folks who found him were asking how to help save him. Not sure he made it. 😔
