What was going on with Darla?

I watched this a few days ago and if I can remember, towards the end, the scene where Jenny was trying to escape and messing with Vilmer's robotic leg with the remote and Darla was on the chair basically going crazy.


I'm sure the director needed a reason for Darla NOT to try and stop Jenny and help Vilmer, so maybe Darla is panicking for whatever reason. The film is insane.

W.E. did nothing to help either, though some think he may have been knocked unconscious or possibly killed when Vilmer hit him.



I think he's dead.


W.E. got killed by Vilmer, and the Grandfather in this movie, I guess, got up to drag him out of the room off-screen. I say this because W.E.'s dead body is missing throughout the rest of the scenes in that room later on. Darla tries to stop Vilmer from cutting himself, and then starts to hump and grind on the chair while Leatherface spins around with the chainsaw, while Vilmer and Jenny fight over a remote control for a robot leg.


There's no way the grandpa moved W.E.'s body. He was way too old and weak.
