MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > How many times have you watched it

How many times have you watched it

I have seen it probably close to 50 times over the years.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsZsxZsxZsxZsx--" - Frank Grimes



Probably about 12 times
I did not love it the first time...the gross rape scene threw me off the first time
But i see new stuff and love the acting even more each time i watch it


I don't know I never kept track of how many times I've watched it over the years. Definitely more than 20 times


well I tried watching it last week , but i was drunk n tired , didnt get very far.
Tried again last night, was enjoying it more ,but only got as far as the "The gold watch" story ..

whats that ? half way? a third?


I've seen it enough times to hear the "chopper" sound while the title card (definition of pulp) is shown on-screen.

Zed's chopper sound is also the chronological last scene in the film.
Love that detail :)
