MovieChat Forums > D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) Discussion > Didn't this take place during summer?

Didn't this take place during summer?

So why would they need to attend school?


Some countries have year round school.

And any country in the southern hemisphere would be in the middle of winter.

They just had to be fair to all the teams.


Uhhh that makes no sense. If they weren’t in school at the time and were on summer break why should they attend?


Because some countries were still in school at the time, and it would unfair to make them attend, but not the U.S.


That would have been a decision of that team/country whatever they do is their own business. It absolutely is fair is one team decides how to manage their own players and the other teams don’t have to. If team Germany institutes a “you may not stay up past 9PM” rule does that mean that every team must go to bed by 9PM?

I realize they just wanted an excuse to inject a strong female character into the story and I guess they couldn’t get the actress who played Charlie’s mom to come back but it would have made more sense to just have her be the trainer.


Also what are you basing this on? If you can show me a line of dialogue from the film confirming this or an actual real life example of a league telling all of the teams they have to abide by every rule all of the other teams implement for their players then I’ll accept that.


I based it on nothing. Of course it was just a ridiculous plot device to create a female to be a possible love interest for Gordon, as well as the voice of reason at times.

Of course it doesn't make any sense. But lets honest, that's not even the 10th most ridiculous thing in this movie.


Ok very good it makes no sense they would have to attend school and I agree this movie is a lot of nonsense like how does a team who only won four games get to represent America? Or why were the kids allowed to roam the streets of LA unsupervised, or how does a kid who doesn’t know how to stop (yet he literally stopped in the very first shot he was in) make the team, or like any of the goals they scored in the final game.

Michelle should have just been the team trainer or the assistant coach or something. That would have been a better justification for her being there in the first place
