MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > good documentaries about eccentrics?

good documentaries about eccentrics?

just saw this film and would like to check out something similar
any suggestions?

I've also seen and enjoyed The Devil and Daniel Johnston, my best fiend and Grizzly Man


The title of the film mentioned above is "The Art of Failure: Chuck Connelly Not for Sale."

You might also be interested in these:

Edvard Munch (1973) -- the New Yorker Video double-disc Special Edition release of the extended version of the film is the best because of the extras included; second best is the Masters of Cinema release of the extended version

The Nomi Song (2005)


I agree with the poster who posted above me a few lines.
Youre Gonna Miss Me is a great dvd. Be sure to check out the extra footage for a happy ending :)

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Almost every documentary is about some kind of eccentric- why document a normal person?

Brother's Keeper.

The Devil and Daniel Johnson,

Derailroaded- the Wildman Larry Fisher Story


How to Draw A Bunny

Aliens, Dragons, Monsters, and Me(about Ray Harryhausen- not an eccentric like Crumb but quite a brilliant filmmaker/animator)


I collect documentaries on eccentrics. People think that I'm eccentric for collecting documentaries and books on eccentrics. But what the heck... normal people are boring.
Here are some of my prize videos on the people who color our world.

Vernon, Florida
Mondo Elvis
Farewell Good Brothers
PBS Frontline: Apocolypse
Gizmo (1977-About wacky inventions)
Gates of Heaven

I have two documentaries about Dan Quayle that are a lot of fun, even though Quayle isn't really eccentic.

I've never seen Jesco the Dancing outlaw yet, but I'm hoping to get my hands on a copy someday.


Ya want someone really eccentic? Track down Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies.


Check out the documentary Zoo...if you dare. VERY disturbing work.

Om Mani Padme Hum


HBO had a really good one called Dope Sick Love about a pair of NYC couples that are also drug addicts. You could also seek out Beyond the Mat, which dealt with the often eccentric world of professional wrestlers. Maybe Basquiat?


My Brothers Keeper
I Like Killing Flies
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia


New York Doll

American Movie


someone else mentioned one of these, but these are my two other favourite documentaries about eccentric artists:

How to Draw A Bunny (about Ray Johnson, NY's most famous unknown artist)

In the Realms of the Unreal (about a truly unknown, outsider artist)



there is this extraordinary french documentary done by Agnes Varda called
"Les glaneurs et la glaneuse ". it portrays the way of life of common people that you may find eccentric, in the sense that they are different from the norm.


How the hell has no one mentioned Grey Gardens??

Also check out Mole Man:

And this timeless Youtube gem:
