My oh my.

A film with LITERALLY my kind of topic, lol, I can't even imagine if I was a police officer or some border patrol agent and I had to escort an attractive woman accused or guilty of a criminal wrongdoing...

By the way, in this movie, what crime did she commit, was it something small or serious? And what if she actually WAS guilty of something MORE serious, would either of the two officers then fall in love with her and/or if not, how would they FEEL, if they had an ATTRACTIVE WOMAN in their custody like that?

Also, does beauty REALLY matter here? And even if NOT, are female charms REALLY THIS irresistible to men that they work mentally like drugs or even MAGIC? Remember what Dostoyevsky said about "Will beauty save the world?" but he meant much more than physical attractiveness in females.

Are there MORE movies like this? Including with SERIOUS but alluring female criminals in legal midst like here? Besides some classic and modern film noir movies etc? Or "black" or otherwise COMEDIES, some of which may have crossed the line, then again, can we equate crime, violence and wrongdoings EQUALLY? And isn't murder still like THE worst offense for ANYONE to commit?

Anyways, and oh yeah, what did we make of it, thanks.


It's so sad Erika Elinieak is covered in tattoos now. She was so beautiful in her 90s heyday.


I mostly remember her from the surprisingly good Seagal flick "Under Siege" (1992).


Yep she jumped out of the cake. She was memorable on Baywatch as well.


I remember seeing it long time ago but this film I need to rewatch to form proper opinion.


Also, where does it rank among Dennis Hopper films? And why did he decide to this time make a comedy flick when usually he made and starred in mostly serious movies?
